
No way to go from movie showtimes to movie info

spenap opened this issue · 5 comments

Pretty nice by Anonymous on a Nokia N9 January 7, 2012
I really like the app. It would be great the list of movies played in a cinema could link to the movie descriptions.

Links by Anonymous on a Nokia N9 December 25, 2011
Great app, lillte quirky ui
However it would be very nice, if you can add a feature that klicking on a movie title in the theatre section will redirect to > the movie details.

Good can be better by jaeezzy26 on a Nokia N9 December 14, 2011
Simple and does what it should do but few things would make it the best - use of GPS location to automatically
find cinemas around, interactive list of session times under showtimes just like it is in Movie genres so movie
details can be viewed along with the session times by tapping it (movie trailor support would be
awesome) and finally the GUI.

This is, by far, the most requested feature in the user reviews. Others also request a way to go from movie info to movie showtimes.

I'm working on this. When the movie showtimes provide an IMDB identifier, the movie showtime information directly links to the movie info. Otherwise, a search is started with the movie name.

This is now fixed in the master branch, and will be available in the next release.