
Random replies syntax error

nocean opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Hi Scott,

Found a little issue with the Readme. The syntax given for the RANDOM_REPLY var is shown as separated with commas, just like the QUERY_STRING var above it. However, after this failing to work I noticed that on line 6 of reply.js, the split is defined with a pipe |, not a comma. I think this is an intelligent choice, as it's likely you might want a comma in your reply string, but that means in the Readme, this:

RANDOM_REPLY=Hi @${screenName} thanks for the follow! What are you working on today?,@${screenName} thanks for following! What are you working on today?

Should be:

RANDOM_REPLY=Hi @${screenName} thanks for the follow! What are you working on today?|@${screenName} thanks for following! What are you working on today?

Hey @nocean,

I'm more than happy to accept a PR if you want to contribute my friend ๐Ÿ˜„

I'm about to do some changes for the retweet part [which is basically all of it now as thats the only thing Twitter hasn't banned] where instead of using a search on a timer with intervals the bot will use a sream for thw tweets and retweet those.

There's a couple of moving parts so will probably go in stages, it will involve adding tweets to a database and comparing against the db before re-Tweeting

The pipes are used in the config of my other bot which is what will [eventually] be coming to this bootstrap

Thanks again for taking the time to check out the repo and I hope you have found it useful. ๐Ÿ‘

Let me know if that answers your question and I'll close the issue if so, thanks.

Hi @spences10, good point -- I just read up on Twitter's policies and see that following is not sufficient for allowing an auto-reply. No point at all to fix that if it's going to be removed.

Oh! Do you have a link for it?

Looks like this bootstrap isn't going to end up doing much for very longer ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Here's a link.

B. Automated Tweets -> 2. Posting automated mentions and replies

I think retweets are still fine though, which I think is the biggest purpose for this bootstrap, imo. Or is Twitter getting sticky about those too?


I think there is certain areas where there needs to be an opt in for things like this but yes, it seems like Twitter is tightening up on this ๐Ÿ˜ข