
Open-scap containerized.

Primary LanguageShell

Open-Scap Container

Containerized Open-Scap and Open-Scap-Utils with Scap-Security-Guide

Running Against Remote Hosts

Currently manual but will be automated process.

Start and connect to the container on your machine.

docker run -v ~<Path to pem file>:/tmp/<Pem file name> -v $(pwd)/results:/tmp/results -it amazonscap bash

Start the ssh-agent.

eval `ssh-agent -s`

Add the ssh key so you can initiate secure connection.

ssh-add /tmp/<Pem file name>

Initate open-scap scan from container.

oscap-ssh --sudo <username>@<IP-Address> 22 xccdf eval --profile xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_standard --report /tmp/results/report.html --fetch-remote-resource ./src/scap-content/scap-security-guide-0.1.55-oval-5.10/ssg-centos7-ds-1.2.xml