
Fold opening/closing not registering as cursor movement

sphamba opened this issue · 4 comments

The problem with opening and closing folds is that it seems that doing so does not trigger events that could be listened

bew commented

Might be related: zz, zt, zb (to move the viewport) don't register as cursor movements

Might be related: zz, zt, zb (to move the viewport) don't register as cursor movements

Ah crap. Those trigger the WinScrolled event, but since the smear is now showing relative to the buffer when scrolling, it does not show anymore with z* movements, since the cursor is staying at the same buffer location...

I'm not sure how I should tackle this 😅

Might be related: zz, zt, zb (to move the viewport) don't register as cursor movements

See #62

@bew #62 is fixed, but the technical issue with with folds is different, so I cannot adapt the fix here