
Packaging `sphinxcontrib-jquery` for `conda-forge`

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am currently in the process of packaging sphinxcontrib-jquery for conda-forge.
This is majorly because it is a dependency of another package on conda-forge which I currently maintain (sphinx-hoverxref), and not having this on conda-forge will cause the other to become stale.

I am raising this issue for three reasons.
First off, to notify the devs that such an alternative download channel will come into existence once a PR is merged.
Secondly, it would be awesome if any developer(s) would sign on to be a co-maintainer of the conda-forge recipe. This would ensure more eyes and brains on the recipe itself, lowering the risk of it becoming stale as updates happen here.
Finally, in order to properly package this for conda-forge, from my understanding, the jQuery source also needs to have a separate licence file in the source tree. Possibly a file similar to vendor_licences/licence would fit the bill.

Please let me know your thoughts, and thanks for the software! 😄

Happy to be listed.

Finally, in order to properly package this for conda-forge, from my understanding, the jQuery source also needs to have a separate licence file in the source tree. Possibly a file similar to vendor_licences/licence would fit the bill.

Please can you confirm this?


Awesome! I will add you to the list of maintainers then.

Regarding the confirmation, this is from the current PR's checklist:

... Package does not vendor other packages. (If a package uses the source of another package, they should be separate packages or the licenses of all packages need to be packaged).

Does that mean Python packages, or any software library? I don't want to add unneeded things to the package, so if conda requires it please can you include it only in the conda package.