
Detecting missing newline before lists

oscargus opened this issue · 2 comments

This may be at risk of false positives, but it would be great if sphinx-lint could warn for missing newlines before lists. That is something that I personally tend to forget and have seen others miss as well.

The main problem, I guess, is to detect what a list is. A line starting with a list marker (*, -, +, 1., #., ...) may not be enough if one would like to fail it. At least two items will probably decrease the risk quite a bit.

Bullet lists can be marked by a surprisingly large number of characters:

"*", "+", "-", "•", "‣", or "⁃"

Enumerated lists take arabic, alphabetic, or roman enumerators (https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html#enumerated-lists).

For bulleted lists I'd say two or more identifiers at the same indent level, enumerated would be trickier I think, as you'd need to have a counter for the next expected character or similar.


This is a very common error both because other languages like MarkDown don't need the empty line and because the requirement itself is not very intuitive.

.. this looks ok but is invalid
* foo
  * bar
  * bar
* foo
* foo

.. this also looks ok but is invalid
* foo
  * bar
  * bar

* foo
* foo

.. this looks weird but is valid
* foo

  * bar
  * bar
* foo
* foo

.. this looks ok and is valid
* foo

  * bar
  * bar

* foo
* foo

Checking for at least two items sounds like a good compromise. I don't think I've ever seen and (or even +) used in the wild, but they are also uncommon in general, so including them in the check shouldn't increase the risk of false positives.