
Suggestions to display path of page (breadcrumbs-style page header)?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I've got laid out my documentation using the following structure:

├── Makefile
├── build
├── make.bat
└── source
    ├── _static
    ├── _templates
    ├── conf.py
    ├── content
    │   ├── section_01
    │   │   └── topic-01.rst
    │   │   └── topic-02.rst
    │   ├── section-01-root.rst
    │   ├── section_02
    │   │   └── topic-02.rst
    │   └── section-02-root.rst
    └── index.rst

When on a page, it's not obvious what section you're in. Do you have any suggestions of how I might implement a 'breadcrumbs' style page title with alabaster (making it obvious where you are and easy to navigate back towards the root of the documentation)?

I haven't found a great solution to this yet myself, sorry. I acknowledge that it's a thing, though.

Breadcrumbs would be very helpful (and of course can be optional). I was looking at


and find the breadcrumbs and the previous/next buttons handy. I think that's the epub format.