
Unusual fatal error on Mac terminal

777sable opened this issue · 3 comments

To preface this, the Mac I'm using Spicetify on is administration-owned. However, even when using admin permissions and running spicetify update, apply and backup apply, I was given the following line:

fatal unlinkat /Applications/Spotify.app/Contents/Resources/Apps/xpui.spa: permission denied

I have checked the FAQ & older posts.

  • Spotify version: Spotify for macOS (Apple Silicon)
  • Spicetify version: spicetify v2.38.4
rxri commented

Then uh... apply permissions? If your account doesn't have admin perms its better you won't use spicetify

Permissions were applied, and I ran into the same issue, but thank you for the suggestion.
It's been working fine for several weeks, so I dunno why it's denying me all of a sudden. 🤷‍♀️

rxri commented

Well, it's on your end really so can't really help because I don't know what happened or what you did prior to that