Add help/usage message
drmaas opened this issue · 2 comments
drmaas commented
savant -h
, savant search -h
, and savant init -h
would be useful.
spilth commented
Hey @drmaas. For some reason I wasn't "watching" my own repo! I was just about to add this issue myself so thank you for already doing that :-)
spilth commented
This is now available in the latest version. General help:
$ savant -h
Usage: savant [options] [command] [command options]
--help, -h
init Initializes a new Java 8 Maven project
Usage: init [options]
--artifactId, --artifact, -a
Artifact ID
Default: exampleArtifact
--groupId, --group, -g
Group ID
Default: com.example
--help, -h
--minimal, -m
Use Minimal Java 8 Archetype
Default: false
search Searches Maven Central for dependencies
Usage: search [options] Search term
--format, -f
Dependency output format
Default: maven
--help, -h
dash Adds Maven project dependencies to Dash
Usage: dash [options]
--pom, -p, --file, -f
Source POM File
Default: pom.xml
--help, -h
And for each command:
$ savant init -h
Initializes a new Java 8 Maven project
Usage: init [options]
--artifactId, --artifact, -a
Artifact ID
Default: exampleArtifact
--groupId, --group, -g
Group ID
Default: com.example
--help, -h
--minimal, -m
Use Minimal Java 8 Archetype
Default: false