
Not geting the name of the texture when called function GetPositionInformation

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This is the code i'm using to try getting the position info
var surface_data: Object = car.terrain.GetPositionInformation(global_position.x, global_position.z) for data in surface_data.get_property_list(): if data.name == 'Textures': print(data)

this is the return i'm having: { "name": "Textures", "class_name": &"", "type": 28, "hint": 23, "hint_string": "24/0:", "usage": 4102 }
it's showing only "Textures" and not the name i added to the texture.

Hey @lucasthomaz97 !

They way you should use it is like this :

var result = %TerraBrush.GetPositionInformation(playerX, playerZ)
if result != null:
    var currentTexture = result.Textures[0].Name if result.Textures.size() > 0 else ""

Let me know if it works for you ! ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes, it worked, thanks.
Maybe you should write a docs for this functions to get it clearer.
If you already got it, i haven't found.

thanks for the suggestion @lucasthomaz97 I'll try to do that this week ๐Ÿ™‚!