Bug: No SSO Route after Installation
JamieBradders opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi there, I have followed the instructions from the README and I'm afraid to say that I can't see the SSO route in the available list of routes - the same issue occurs if I clear the route cache too.
I am trying to install in a Laravel 11 Project with Laravel Jetstream.
After following the guide I get a 404 when attempting to navigate to /discourse/sso
. The artisan route:list
command lists the following:
GET|HEAD / ............................................................... generated::QezdvotXfOs0UY0c
POST _ignition/execute-solution ignition.executeSolution › Spatie\LaravelIgnition › ExecuteSoluti…
GET|HEAD _ignition/health-check ignition.healthCheck › Spatie\LaravelIgnition › HealthCheckController
POST _ignition/update-config ignition.updateConfig › Spatie\LaravelIgnition › UpdateConfigControl…
GET|HEAD api/user ........................................................ generated::cgdtJVmQdhBT5fsn
GET|HEAD dashboard ......................................................................... dashboard
GET|HEAD forgot-password ..... password.request › Laravel\Fortify › PasswordResetLinkController@create
POST forgot-password ........ password.email › Laravel\Fortify › PasswordResetLinkController@store
GET|HEAD livewire/livewire.js generated::GHPOcWxwNwj6TlXw › Livewire\Mechanisms › FrontendAssets@retu…
GET|HEAD livewire/livewire.min.js.map generated::9XHbpXHwm2JZ9I3I › Livewire\Mechanisms › FrontendAss…
GET|HEAD livewire/preview-file/{filename} livewire.preview-file › Livewire\Features › FilePreviewCont…
POST livewire/update ......... livewire.update › Livewire\Mechanisms › HandleRequests@handleUpdate
POST livewire/upload-file . livewire.upload-file › Livewire\Features › FileUploadController@handle
GET|HEAD login ....................... login › Laravel\Fortify › AuthenticatedSessionController@create
POST login .. generated::6LUmjUsTIEjp4m8a › Laravel\Fortify › AuthenticatedSessionController@store
POST logout .................... logout › Laravel\Fortify › AuthenticatedSessionController@destroy
GET|HEAD register ....................... register › Laravel\Fortify › RegisteredUserController@create
POST register ..... generated::LaoFnGgK22srynpP › Laravel\Fortify › RegisteredUserController@store
POST reset-password .............. password.update › Laravel\Fortify › NewPasswordController@store
GET|HEAD reset-password/{token} ...... password.reset › Laravel\Fortify › NewPasswordController@create
GET|HEAD sanctum/csrf-cookie ....... sanctum.csrf-cookie › Laravel\Sanctum › CsrfCookieController@show
GET|HEAD two-factor-challenge two-factor.login › Laravel\Fortify › TwoFactorAuthenticatedSessionContr…
POST two-factor-challenge generated::UNYPJXQyuzFLodV4 › Laravel\Fortify › TwoFactorAuthenticatedS…
GET|HEAD up .............................................................. generated::JBkvPZDfz1FSukoO
GET|HEAD user/confirm-password generated::4UsAH4mCykdiEGdt › Laravel\Fortify › ConfirmablePasswordCon…
POST user/confirm-password password.confirm › Laravel\Fortify › ConfirmablePasswordController@sto…
GET|HEAD user/confirmed-password-status password.confirmation › Laravel\Fortify › ConfirmedPasswordSt…
POST user/confirmed-two-factor-authentication two-factor.confirm › Laravel\Fortify › ConfirmedTwo…
PUT user/password ............ user-password.update › Laravel\Fortify › PasswordController@update
GET|HEAD user/profile .................. profile.show › Laravel\Jetstream › UserProfileController@show
PUT user/profile-information user-profile-information.update › Laravel\Fortify › ProfileInformat…
POST user/two-factor-authentication two-factor.enable › Laravel\Fortify › TwoFactorAuthentication…
DELETE user/two-factor-authentication two-factor.disable › Laravel\Fortify › TwoFactorAuthenticatio…
GET|HEAD user/two-factor-qr-code two-factor.qr-code › Laravel\Fortify › TwoFactorQrCodeController@show
GET|HEAD user/two-factor-recovery-codes two-factor.recovery-codes › Laravel\Fortify › RecoveryCodeCon…
POST user/two-factor-recovery-codes generated::8hvxXJmnC4rvolSR › Laravel\Fortify › RecoveryCodeC…
GET|HEAD user/two-factor-secret-key two-factor.secret-key › Laravel\Fortify › TwoFactorSecretKeyCont
I also see a 404 when attempting to open the Discourse instance after applying the settings to enable SSO. I'm being redirected to http://localhost/discourse/sso?sso=bm9uY2U9ZjI0MmIzZjUzNWNiM2QwN2FhN2ZmYTczZWFmNWZjNmEmcmV0dXJuX3Nzb191cmw9aHR0cCUzQSUyRiUyRmxvY2FsaG9zdCUzQTMwMDAlMkZzZXNzaW9uJTJGc3NvX2xvZ2lu&sig=374fbc2b279cf748779bc9f6bdc2a21f27f6d17b6be9bcff44dcc7e621241862 - the 404 here also suggesting the SSO route has not been registered.
Below is my services config, as far as I can tell I have configured this correctly:
return [
| Third Party Services
| This file is for storing the credentials for third party services such
| as Mailgun, Postmark, AWS and more. This file provides the de facto
| location for this type of information, allowing packages to have
| a conventional file to locate the various service credentials.
'postmark' => [
'token' => env('POSTMARK_TOKEN'),
'ses' => [
'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION', 'us-east-1'),
'slack' => [
'notifications' => [
'bot_user_oauth_token' => env('SLACK_BOT_USER_OAUTH_TOKEN'),
'discourse' => [
// Middleware for the SSO login route to use
'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],
// The route's URI that acts as the entry point for Discourse to start the SSO process.
// Used by Discourse to route incoming logins.
'route' => 'discourse/sso',
// Optional domain to link sso route when using SSubdomain Routing
'domain' => null,
// Secret string used to encrypt/decrypt SSO information,
// be sure that it is 10 chars or longer
'secret' => env('DISCOURSE_SECRET'),
// Disable Discourse from sending welcome message
'suppress_welcome_message' => 'true',
// Where the Discourse forum lives
'url' => env('DISCOURSE_URL'),
// Api-specific items
// For logging out of Discourse directly, generate an API key as an "All user key" and put the key & user here.
// @see https://meta.discourse.org/t/how-to-create-an-api-key-on-the-admin-panel/87383
'api' => [
'key' => env('DISCOURSE_API_KEY'),
'user' => env('DISCOURSE_API_USER'),
// User-specific items
// NOTE: The 'email' & 'external_id' are the only 2 required fields
'user' => [
// Check to see if the user has forum access & should be logged in via SSO
'access' => null,
// Discourse Groups to make sure that the user is part of in a comma-separated string
// NOTE: Groups cannot have spaces in their names & must already exist in Discourse
'add_groups' => null,
// Boolean for making the user a Discourse admin. Leave null to ignore
'admin' => null,
// Full path to user's avatar image
'avatar_url' => null,
// The avatar is cached, so this triggers an update
'avatar_force_update' => false,
// Content of the user's bio
'bio' => null,
// Verified email address (see "require_activation" if not verified)
'email' => 'email',
// Unique string for the user that will never change
'external_id' => 'id',
// Boolean for making user a Discourse moderator. Leave null to ignore
'moderator' => null,
// Full name on Discourse if the user is new or
// if SiteSetting.sso_overrides_name is set
'name' => 'name',
// Discourse Groups to make sure that the user is *NOT* part of in a comma-separated string.
// NOTE: Groups cannot have spaces in their names & must already exist in Discourse
// There is not a way to specify the exact list of groups that a user is in, so
// you may want to send the inverse of the 'add_groups'
'remove_groups' => null,
// If the email has not been verified, set this to true
'require_activation' => false,
// username on Discourse if the user is new or
// if SiteSetting.sso_overrides_username is set
'username' => 'email',
Based on the README, I'm assuming I don't need to publish anything from the package? I assumed the route would be automatically generated? I couldn't see anything relating to this in an existing issue, but apologies if this has been raised elsewhere and I've missed something.
I have just made a fresh L11 project & installed the packages. All I did was copy/paste the config into config/services.php
, which works for me...
There is not anything else that you need to publish.
I even copied/pasted your Discord config above and pasted it into my services file, and I still see the route (second route list in the screen shoot).
I would suggest making a fresh L11 & only installing this package. Then, add customizations until you find the conflict.
If you can pin/point the issue, please feel free to reopen this issue or open a MR.
Thanks for taking a look and I appreciate the insight. I'll do as you've suggested 👍
Update just to confirm I tried the above and it's worked, route was still there after install Jetstream too. Apologies, in hindsight, I probably should have tried a fresh project before raising the issue.