infinite loop in TRTTIUtils.Clone
edwinyzh opened this issue · 5 comments
Hello Daniele,
So I've just started integrating delphi-event-bus into my program.
The first issue I'm experiencing is that, TEventBus.Post
will be in a dead-loop in line 162, which calls TRTTIUtils.Clone
, which in turn loop infinitely in line 827:
if Field.GetValue(cloned).IsEmpty then
targetObject := TRTTIUtils.Clone(sourceObject); // infinite loop here...
I guess it must has something to do with my event definition:
// Base event about a TWoDoc
TBaseDocEvent = class(TBaseAppEvent)
FDoc: TWoDoc;
property Doc: TWoDoc read FDoc write FDoc;
Where TWoDoc has properties like
property ParentDoc: TWoDoc read FDoc write FDoc;
property NextSibling: TWoDoc read FDoc write FDoc;
// and so on...
I wish you can shed some light on the issue, thanks.
Update 1:
Fixed the issue by replacing TRTTIUtils.Clone
with LEvent := ObjectClone.TObjectClone.From(AEvent);
ObjectClone is from
But I'm not sure if that will introduce any other issues...
Hi Edwin,
The RTTIUtilsU.pas is an external unit from Delphi MVC . Can you write a unit test to reproduce the bug ? So I can verify it on DMVC.
I guess the issue is about circular reference of objects, but I'm not sure.
I'm not able to provide a unit test, but if a screen-recording (showing the Delphi IDE's stack tracing ,etc) would help I could make one, and send you privately.
Thanks Edwin, but don't worry I'll create the unit test.
Removed the internal CloneEvent as the new architecture is interfaced based 307a2cf