Channel attribute for LoggerInterface
iGrog opened this issue · 3 comments
iGrog commented
Currently, we need to use LogsInterface
to send logs to the desired channel.
How about having a Channel
attribute to make this simpler?
final class UserService
private readonly LoggerInterface $logger;
public function __construct(LogsInterface $logs)
$this->logger = $logs->channel('my-channel');
final class UserService
public function __construct(
#[Channel('my-channel')] // <-- channel name here
LoggerInterface $logger)
iGrog commented
I tried to use Injector for this like:
/** @implements InjectorInterface<\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface> */
final readonly class LoggerInjector implements InjectorInterface
public function __construct(private LogsInterface $logs) {
public function createInjection(ReflectionClass $class, null|ReflectionParameter|string $context = null): object
$channel = $context?->getAttributes(Channel::class)[0]?->newInstance()?->channelName ?? 'default';
return $this->logs->getLogger($channel);
But it seems that this doesn't work so straightforwardly
iGrog commented
No, I hadn't noticed this PR :)
Thanks! I'll wait for the next minor release!