
Investigate why queries 41, 42 and 43 from clickbench are failing

robert3005 opened this issue · 4 comments

after #1304 we will have clickbench benchmarks but they fail with misaligned reads

The queries are:

SELECT URLHash, EventDate, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= '2013-07-01' AND EventDate <= '2013-07-31' AND IsRefresh = 0 AND TraficSourceID IN (-1, 6) AND RefererHash = 3594120000172545465 GROUP BY URLHash, EventDate ORDER BY PageViews DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 100;
SELECT WindowClientWidth, WindowClientHeight, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= '2013-07-01' AND EventDate <= '2013-07-31' AND IsRefresh = 0 AND DontCountHits = 0 AND URLHash = 2868770270353813622 GROUP BY WindowClientWidth, WindowClientHeight ORDER BY PageViews DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10000;
SELECT DATE_TRUNC('minute', EventTime) AS M, COUNT(*) AS PageViews FROM hits WHERE CounterID = 62 AND EventDate >= '2013-07-14' AND EventDate <= '2013-07-15' AND IsRefresh = 0 AND DontCountHits = 0 GROUP BY DATE_TRUNC('minute', EventTime) ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('minute', EventTime) LIMIT 10 OFFSET 1000;

#1346 fixed part of the issue, still failing though on develop

#1365 fixed some more of it, still not working

#1367, #1368, #1369 need to be fixed as well