
gsap not found in Angular project

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I have an Angular project and I am trying to import a Spirit animation.

I have installed the spirit npm package via
npm i spiritjs

I have added the script to the list of loaded scripts
"scripts": ["./node_modules/spiritjs/dist/spirit.js"]

Now, when I try to import the module into one of my modules and use it in appComponent:
import * as spirit from 'spiritjs';

constructor() {

TS throws 2 errors:
ERROR in node_modules/spiritjs/spiritjs.d.ts(1,64): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'gsap'.
src/app.component.ts(24,12): error TS2339: Property 'loadAnimation' does not exist on type 'SpiritStatic'.

I assume that you loaded the wrong package.

This is the spirit webserver. The animation tool "spirit" is there.