
Question about spawns with the nades

Pickle-Rick312 opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, so I tried to put spawns for smokes and molotovs as you said in the installation guide, but i do some thing wrong, somehow Players spawns where the smoke/molotov are throwing away.

After I did a nade spawn, i change the nades spawns to required and the T side players spawns to optional is it right?

dont set anything to required
set everything to optional
as plugin choose execute on the basis of the no. of players online
if u still cant do it
i have configs and i can sell those ;-;
sorry for my grammar

Players spawns where the smoke/molotov are throwing away.

I don't know what you mean.

i change the nades spawns to required and the T side players spawns to optional is it right?

You can do whatever you want. I typically say spawns that throw smokes required and most the others as optional.

Thank you for your answer, it took me a few min, but I understood how it works.

Is there any way to disable when the round starts that freezing for 2 sec of the terror?

When I start the game, terrorist needs to wait 2 sec before the can start eventhough freezetime ends,it happens i think because of the grenades

its a cvar
you can disable it in csgo/cfg/sourcemod/exeuctes/exeucutes.cfg
line 19

i keep it as
sm_executes_default_extra_freeze_time "1"

Thank you very much :D
Last thing you dont have to do it , but do you know where i can find a plugin that when a player writes !vp
he vote for only pistols round , and when he writes !vd he votes for only deagle rounds ?
i want to add it to my execute server and i cant find it :(

do you know where i can find a plugin
