
Feature Request: Replay Spawn-Sync

m4Ssa opened this issue · 1 comments

m4Ssa commented

So really enjoying the replay feature right now, but syncing all bots to start at the same time is quite troublesome. Would it be possible to streamline the process?:

  1. Select spawn (or even map)position for next recording.
  2. Start replay recording.
  3. I get teleported to the previously selected position
  4. A freezetime of 1-2 seconds starts.
  5. All bots and me start moving after the freezetime ends.
  6. End recording as usual.

How about a "Record Freezetime" and a "View Replay" function.

Record Freezetime (4.5 seconds) can be activated via the !settings menu "Freezetime before recording". It only occurs when recording replays, so it has no influence on the playback. So you don't have to watch bots being freezed in addition to walk out of spawn every time or delayed grenade throw playback.

"View replay" ( !viewreplay 9; !defaultview 1;)

puts the player in spec mode and lets him see the set default bot role ( !defaultview 1) from the replay with 2sec freeze, then puts him back in the previous team when recording is over.

!replayviewrole can override the default view for any replay that should be excluded.