
Encode json unicode->UTF8?

0-BuTaJIuK-0 opened this issue · 5 comments

"get5_version" = "0.10.5"

return of the "get_status" command

What is the problem exactly? Those are escaped unicode characters and are perfectly valid JSON.

And it spells out: ᴋᴇᴠʟ (ɴᴏᴛ ɢᴀʏ).

Why is there a normal nickname in one case, and unicode in the second?

Why is there a normal nickname in one case, and unicode in the second?

I don't understand the question. Unicode symbols are escaped, regular characters are not.

Nickname player: 𝓐𝓩𝓘𝓚𝟒𝓘𝓚 Т

get5_status return:
"name": "team_\u1d4d\u1d4e\u1d4d\u1d4d\u1d7d\u1d4d\u1d4d \u0422"

It is not endcode