
Assign running experiment to logged_in_user

puneetpandey opened this issue · 1 comments


I need help with below use-case:

  1. A/B test with 3 add to cart buttons
  2. A user / visitor (doesn't require login) can add items to their cart
  3. They need to be logged-in/signup for checkout (checkout requires current_user object)

My Setup:

# A/B test: Split gem setting starts here
cookie_adapter = Split::Persistence::CookieAdapter
redis_adapter = Split::Persistence::RedisAdapter.with_config(
  lookup_by: -> (context) { context.send(:current_user).try(:id) },
  expire_seconds: 2592000

Split.configure do |config|
  config.redis = 'redis://localhost:6379'
  config.persistence = Split::Persistence::DualAdapter.with_config(
    logged_in: -> (context) { !context.send(:current_user).try(:id).nil? },
    logged_in_adapter: redis_adapter,
    logged_out_adapter: cookie_adapter
  config.persistence_cookie_length = 7.days.to_i
  config.experiments = {
    plan_pricing_container: {
      alternatives: [
          name: "original",
          percent: 50,
          metadata: {
            "original": {"text": "The original plan pricing container"}
          name: "buy_this_plan",
          percent: 25,
          metadata: {
            "buy_this_plan": {"text": "Button with text Buy this plan"}
          name: "purchase_options",
          percent: 25,
          metadata: {
            "purchase_options": {"text": "Button with text Purchase options"}
      goals: ["add_to_cart", "purchase"]
  config.allow_multiple_experiments = true
# A/B test: Split gem setting ends here

The way I am calling conversions for the goals:

  1. On Cart Page: ab_finished({plan_pricing_container: "add_to_cart"}, reset: false)
  2. On Checkout: ab_finished(plan_pricing_container: "purchase", reset: false)


  1. Guest sees "buy_this_plan" button > Experiment starts
  2. Guest adds item to cart > Experiment successfully completed for add_to_cart goal
  3. Guest logs-in now and completed the checkout

Expected behaviour
I should see "completed" for both add_to_cart and purchase goals.

Actual behaviour
I see this (nothing happens):

It seems there few issues:

  1. I am unable to assign a running experiment to a logged_in_user (if they don't change the browser).
  2. Using both cookie_adapter and redis_adapter not working. I end up seeing conversion not getting tracked for purchase goal (screenshot above).
  3. If I remove cookie_adapter and redis_adapter blocks and repeat the same steps then after checkout I see -ve events (see below). (Note: add_to_cart worked fine but purchase resulted in this)
Screenshot 2023-07-17 at 1 11 54 PM

The traffic on my website is on the higher side, so I found and decided to go for CookieAdapter and use Redis Adapter only for logged_in_user/s.

Please suggest!

% bundle info split
  * split (4.0.2)
	Summary: Rack based split testing framework
	Homepage: https://github.com/splitrb/split
	Source Code: https://github.com/splitrb/split
	Wiki: https://github.com/splitrb/split/wiki
	Changelog: https://github.com/splitrb/split/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
	Bug Tracker: https://github.com/splitrb/split/issues
	Mailing List: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/split-ruby
	Path: /.rbenv/versions/2.7.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/split-4.0.2

After checking the docs on goals here're few things I found

  1. This does not mean that a single experiment can complete more than one goal.
  2. Once you finish one of the goals, the test is considered to be completed, and finishing the other goal will no longer register

This clearly means what I am trying to do is technically wrong. Now I am left with 2 options:

  1. metrics
  2. combine_experiments
    I will see how it turns up. Meanwhile any help would be highly appreciated.