
splitsh as a github action

tloubrieu-jpl opened this issue · 3 comments


This is a question: is splitsh available as a github action ?

I would like to know if splitsh can be easily implemented as an action which will update the readonly repositories on commit event on the main/master branch of the mono repository ? I guess that can be done anyway as a shell script called from a github action but if splitch is already packaged as a github action that would make the configuration more concise.


i have written an action: https://github.com/k0d3r1s/vairogs-action-split
it's subjective as i wrote it for my own use but feel free to check it out
i am using it in this repo: https://github.com/vairogs/vairogs

@k0d3r1s Note due to #65, it doesn't seem the hashes are actually the same after syncing. E.g. vairogs/vairogs@f660038 versus vairogs/sitemap@fa6faf0.

Want to mention that there exists also a github action maintained by flysystem creator frankdejonge: https://github.com/frankdejonge/use-subsplit-publish