
Aurora License Expired

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Based on the output from Ansible it looks as though the trial license for Aurora has expired and therefore fails when provisioning:

TASK [windows_aurora_agent : install aurora-agent as a service with standard config] ***
│ fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ".\\aurora-agent.exe --install --dashboard -c agent-config-standard.yml --json --logfile
│ aurora_alerts.json.log", "delta": "0:00:20.066099", "end": "2024-03-23 10:35:28.297284", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2024-03-23 10:35:08.231184",
│ "stderr": "installation failed: startup error: no valid license present\n\ncould not install aurora agent: startup error: no valid license present", "stderr_lines":
│ ["installation failed: startup error: no valid license present", "", "could not install aurora agent: startup error: no valid license present"], "stdout": "Installing
│ Aurora Agent into \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Aurora-Agent\" ...\nInstalling Aurora Agent service ...\nCreating update tasks ...\nAdding installation path to PATH variable
│ ...\nInstalling Aurora Agent dashboard...\nStarting Aurora Agent service ...\nRemoving installation path from PATH variable ...\nDeleting update tasks ...\nUninstalling
│ Aurora Agent service ...\nRemoving installation path ...\n", "stdout_lines": ["Installing Aurora Agent into \"C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Aurora-Agent\" ...", "Installing
│ Aurora Agent service ...", "Creating update tasks ...", "Adding installation path to PATH variable ...", "Installing Aurora Agent dashboard...", "Starting Aurora Agent
│ service ...", "Removing installation path from PATH variable ...", "Deleting update tasks ...", "Uninstalling Aurora Agent service ...", "Removing installation path
│ ..."]}

Hey @ajpc500 just added a PR to fix this.

Great, thanks @josehelps!