
Smartstore: Failed to execute runSync()

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Describe the request

  • Smartstore quits working with below message.
  • ERROR AwsCredentials [cachemanagerUploadExecutorWorker-95] - Failed to execute runSync() for transaction with uri=https://sts.amazonaws.com/ http_code=400
    ERROR S3Client [cachemanagerUploadExecutorWorker-54] - command=put transactionId=xxxxxxxxxxrTxnId=xxxxxxxxxstatus=completed success=N uri=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx statusCode=400 statusDescription="Bad Request" payload="\nExpiredTokenThe provided token has expired.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<Host"

CloudTrail can be used to confirm that the token has expired.

Expected behavior

  • Splunk should be able to see an expired AWS token for a role and update the token.

Splunk setup on K8S

  • EKS 1.29

Splunk Setup

  • SOK 2.5.2
  • Splunk 9.2.0

K8s environment

  • Production

Proposed changes(optional)

  • Proposed change, if any.

K8s collector data(optional)

Additional context(optional)

  • Add any other context about the problem here.