
Properly handle various SHELLs

Closed this issue · 4 comments

spolu commented
  • properly prepend [warp:<id>] to PROMPT/PS1
  • properly load the correct rc/profile file at warp opening

Goal: bash, zsh on Linux and OSX

(check how tmux does it)

spolu commented

tmux retrieves the shell using the following fallbacks:

  • env $SHELL
  • passwd file
  • platform defaults

tmux also run bash with -l which seems to standardize the behavior of the shell (which should solve the second bullet point)

spolu commented
bash -l -c "echo \$PS1"
spolu commented

Most consistent solution seems to start a bash -l or zsh and write echo $PS1; exit or echo $PROMPT; exit to it and parse the output

spolu commented

Didn't find a proper solution so sticking with not altering PS1/PROMPT and using the env variable with -l (for bash-like)