
Thief creates ultra hard room in first dungeon

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Glitches Required: No
Item Placement: Advanced
Dungeon Item Shuffle: Keysanity

Open Tower: 7
Ganon Vulnerable: 7

World State: Inverted
Entrance Shuffle: Crossed
Boss Shuffle: Full
Enemy Shuffle: Random
Hints: Yes

Item Pool: Normal
Item Functionality: Normal
Enemy Damage: Random
Enemy Health: Default

Description of problem:


Hello guys,
I am mainly using the randomizer to create roms that I enjoy beating. I am not doing races yet, I find the fun in just beating the game. I'm doing keysanity + crossed entrances + boss shuffle and enemy shuffle + enemy damage random.

I went into a room in the first dungeon I could do, with 3 hearts, which was the Ice Palace.
Here a clip.
Basically it's not really a bug but that made a situation that was really very very hard to go through without savestates to me.
The thief is invincible, and since enemy placement is random, he got placed in this room.
And since damage is random, he managed to get a 3 heart damage.
But still invincible, and with an ice floor. :D

I'm not even sure there is something to fix there. Since I'm not good at the game, can you give me some advice to get past this easily ? Should I have tried to use bombs to get hit by mine and be invincible ? I actually managed to pass after using savestates and doing a "perfect" sword hit + "perfect" walk but that was kind of crazy. It felt like harder than it would be "supposed to".
The next item was there and kind of mandatory (moon pearl).

So the issue is :

  • Without touching anything on the randomizer, how would you get past this room without doing some frame perfect inputs ? Am I missing some traits or some way to trick the thief ? I don't know the original game by heart, only played it a lot when I was a kid.
  • Would it be possible to make the thief always killable if its damage is superior to let's say 3 ? I'm pretty sure if you didn't get one shot there, the room would be okay.
  • Is it possible to add an option on enemy damage which doubles their damage without a randomization or something along these lines ?
  • Can I disable the blue and red mail without changing the item pool ? I want to keep the hearts count and other stuff, but remove the mails, as I feel like it's lowering the difficulty too much (I like to die)