
[Solved] Impossible seed regarding unkillable/impossible to defeat red Eyegore (no bow)

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Console or Emulator: Emulator SNES9X v.1.60 for WIndows

If emulator state which emulator and version.

Original Filename: Emulator - snes9x-1.60-win32-x64
ROM filename - alttpr - NoGlitches-standard-ganon_xRv2Rxmavl.sfc

Permalink: https://alttpr.com/en/h/WDvW7QEkvd

  • OR list settings -


Glitches Required:
Item Placement:
Dungeon Item Shuffle:

Open Tower:
Ganon Vulnerable:

World State:
Entrance Shuffle:
Boss Shuffle:
Enemy Shuffle:

Item Pool:
Item Functionality:
Enemy Damage:
Enemy Health:

Description of problem: **In the starting castle, after rescuing Zelda and on the way to the sewers, there was a red Eyegore (red Eyegores are only possible to kill with a bow and arrows) in one of the dark rooms but no bows are available until far later (I checked the spoiler log to see if I missed something) I noticed in the help section that enemies which require specific items are allowed to be swapped in the ROM gameplay setting "enemy shuffled" set to the "shuffled" setting.


All enemies are randomized but there are some caveats to note:

Not all enemies can appear everywhere due to game limitations.
Rooms where killing all enemies is required will never include enemies which need specific weapons to kill (e.g. Mimics requiring Bow, etc)
Thieves’ can now be killed.
Tile rooms are not randomized.
Enemies under bushes are not randomized."

I believe this to a small oversight, and this ROM is impossible to complete. Thanks for your time.**

Good morning,

I played the escape of this seed. Everything is fine. You aren't required to kill the Red Eyegore in Dark Cross. The note only applies to "kill rooms" (where a door opens when you kill everything on the screen), or enemies that hold a key (such as the key rat in escape).

The escape of this seed was beatable. There was a tricky spike ball placement, and the Eyegores required a little bit of dodging, but it was beatable.

Please let us know if this addresses your concern or if you require further assistance.