
How do you override endpoints

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Zuora requires different end points for sandbox vs. production. How do you over ride the endpoint with our needing to use a whole different wsdl?

You can override the wsdl endpoint based on RAILS_ENV in an initializer. Our wsdl is setup for the api sandbox so this is what our initializer looks like:

# config/initializers/acitve_zuroa.rb
  :username => [ZUORA_USER],
  :password => [ZUORA_PASS],
  :wsdl => Rails.root.join('config', 'zuora.wsdl').to_s,
) = "" if Rails.env.production?

Does that answer your question?

@anfleene I work with @rayjohnson - this is exactly what we were looking for - thank you.

Mind making a PR to add that to our README? Sorry it wasn't documented.