
In affected's, replace inheritance flags with polymorphism

Opened this issue · 0 comments

sming commented

or in more mechanical terms:


flags in base classes like protected boolean subclassHasFeatureX = true;
tests for that flag in the base class e.g. assumeTrue("Test huge row key write", hugeRowKey)
setting of said flag in concrete subclasses e.g. this.subclassHasFeatureX = false;


  1. remove the flag
  2. keep the test in the base class but move the body of the test to a virtual method e.g.
public void FeatureXTest() {

public void FeatureXTestImpl() {
    // test guts
  1. in subclasses that do not support FeatureX, override FeatureTestImpl to be a no-op:
public void FeatureXTestImpl() { /* no-op */ }

et voila

no more flags or run time exceptions if the developer forgets that the subclass doesn't support feature X.

See the original comment here.