
SDK crashes at random when calling [SPTAppRemotePlayerAPIImplemenation play:asRadio:callback:]

keinander opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello! I´ve implemented the SDK successfully in my project and works as expected about 95% of the time.

Sometimes the SDK crashes at random when I call[SPTAppRemotePlayerAPIImplemenation play:asRadio:callback:]

This is part of my implementation:

appRemote?.playerAPI?.play(trackUri, asRadio: false, callback: { res, err in
         if err != nil {
                 //handle errors
  • This, as mentioned above, works 95% of the time.
  • The trackUri is not the issue, the same uri can work once and then later be in call that causes the crash.
  • It has nothing todo with app state.

The exception gives me this info:
NSConcreteMutableData replaceBytesInRange:withBytes:length:]: range {0, 73} exceeds data length 0

I'll attach the crash log as well