
Can we connect a VST instrument to an AudioStream?

0xdevalias opened this issue · 2 comments

A question came up on a discord server I'm in (Ref), as to whether it's possible to connect a VST instrument as the 'input' of an AudioStream; or if not, some other method of allowing to stream the instrument to an output device.

The example for live audio seems to show using both an input/output device, and applying an effects chain:

And the docs seem to show that input/output device usage, as well as 'synchronous use', where an ogg_buffer is passed in (but it's not super clear where the output of that goes when .run() is called:

Attempting to look at the underlying code didn't help me figure out any better if it was possible:

  • class AudioStream:
    A class that streams audio from an input audio device (i.e.: a microphone,
    audio interface, etc) to an output device (speaker, headphones),
    passing it through a :class:`pedalboard.Pedalboard` to add effects.
    :class:`AudioStream` may be used as a context manager::
    input_device_name = AudioStream.input_device_names[0]
    output_device_name = AudioStream.output_device_names[0]
    with AudioStream(input_device_name, output_device_name) as stream:
    # In this block, audio is streaming through `stream`!
    # Audio will be coming out of your speakers at this point.
    # Add plugins to the live audio stream:
    reverb = Reverb()
    # Change plugin properties as the stream is running:
    reverb.wet_level = 1.0
    # Delete plugins:
    del stream.plugins[0]
    :class:`AudioStream` may also be used synchronously::
    stream = AudioStream(ogg_buffer)
    stream.plugins.append(Reverb(wet_level=1.0)) # Run the stream until Ctrl-C is received
    .. note::
    This class uses C++ under the hood to ensure speed, thread safety,
    and avoid any locking concerns with Python's Global Interpreter Lock.
    Audio data processed by :class:`AudioStream` is not available to
    Python code; the only way to interact with the audio stream is through
    the :py:attr:`plugins` attribute.
    .. warning::
    The :class:`AudioStream` class implements a context manager interface
    to ensure that audio streams are never left "dangling" (i.e.: running in
    the background without being stopped).
    While it is possible to call the :meth:`__enter__` method directly to run an
    audio stream in the background, this can have some nasty side effects. If the
    :class:`AudioStream` object is no longer reachable (not bound to a variable,
    not in scope, etc), the audio stream will continue to play back forever, and
    won't stop until the Python interpreter exits.
    To run an :class:`AudioStream` in the background, use Python's
    :py:mod:`threading` module to call the synchronous :meth:`run` method on a
    background thread, allowing for easier cleanup.
    *Introduced in v0.7.0. Not supported on Linux.*
    def __enter__(self) -> AudioStream:
    Use this :class:`AudioStream` as a context manager. Entering the context manager will immediately start the audio stream, sending audio through to the output device.
    def __exit__(self, arg0: object, arg1: object, arg2: object) -> None:
    Exit the context manager, ending the audio stream. Once called, the audio stream will be stopped (i.e.: :py:attr:`running` will be :py:const:`False`).
    def __init__(
    input_device_name: str,
    output_device_name: str,
    plugins: typing.Optional[pedalboard_native.utils.Chain] = None,
    sample_rate: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    buffer_size: int = 512,
    allow_feedback: bool = False,
    ) -> None: ...
    def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
    def run(self) -> None:
    Start streaming audio from input to output, passing the audio stream through the :py:attr:`plugins` on this AudioStream object. This call will block the current thread until a :py:exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` (``Ctrl-C``) is received.
    def plugins(self) -> pedalboard_native.utils.Chain:
    The Pedalboard object that this AudioStream will use to process audio.
    def plugins(self, arg1: pedalboard_native.utils.Chain) -> None:
    The Pedalboard object that this AudioStream will use to process audio.
    def running(self) -> bool:
    :py:const:`True` if this stream is currently streaming live audio from input to output, :py:const:`False` otherwise.
    input_device_names: typing.List[str] = []
    output_device_names: typing.List[str] = []
  • #include "io/AudioStream.h"

Asking ChatGPT, it suggested using another external library such as the following, and using that on the output from the instrument, to stream it to the desired output device:

See Also

FYI, #317 was superseded by #363, which will be released with Pedalboard v0.9.12: