
Commiting firewall rule failed because of parameters order

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Hello there,
I've faced this issue and waste a bit of time to debug it but I've finally hunt it !

I use this bit of code to add new firewall rules :

	d.load_config('firewall policy')
	newRule05 = FortiConfig(config_type='edit', name='0')
	newRule05.set_param('srcintf', subnetDescription)
	newRule05.set_param('dstintf', firewallIntercoZone[0])
	newRule05.set_param('srcaddr', 'all')
	newRule05.set_param('dstaddr', fwObjectGrpSrvTransverses)
	newRule05.set_param('action', 'accept')
	newRule05.set_param('status', 'enable')
	newRule05.set_param('service', fwObjectGrpServicesTransverses)
	newRule05.set_param('schedule', 'always')
	d.candidate_config['firewall policy']['0'] = newRule05

The commit failed intermittently with this generic error :

    raise exceptions.FailedCommit(wrong_commands)
pyFG.exceptions.FailedCommit: [('-3', 'set dstaddr grp-srv-transverses')]

Sometimes it works without error and before this bit of code, the script commits dozens of other rules. The problem is :

  • in this rule, the firewall object named grp-srv-transverses is a address group full of addresses attached to one interface
  • if you don't specify the dstintf parameter first, you can't specify the dstaddr parameter with this kind of group attached to an interface
  • pyFG generates the config section in random order. See the 2 examples beyond for the same rule :
        edit 0
          set action accept
          set schedule always
          set status enable
          set srcaddr all
          set service grp-services-transverses
          set srcintf PP-SUMIT-BD
          set dstintf Interco-TechRH-HProd
          set dstaddr grp-srv-transverses


        edit 0
          set srcaddr all
          set status enable
          set service grp-services-transverses
          set dstaddr grp-srv-transverses
          set action accept
          set schedule always
          set srcintf PP-SUMIT-BD
          set dstintf Interco-TechRH-HProd

The generation of the rule set should be in a sequential order to avoid this bug.
