
IntelliJ complains about lack of implicit Coders (bug introduced in Scio 0.14)

TJC opened this issue · 1 comments

TJC commented

When upgrading from Scio 0.13.4 to 0.14.0, I noticed an issue has appeared in IntelliJ.

In the following code, which produced no errors or warnings in 0.13.4, IntelliJ now complaints that

No implicits found for parameter coder$U$0: Coder[ExampleData]
Import 'com.spotify.scio.coders.kryo.fallback' ? More actions...

If I remove the BigQueryType annotation, then the error changes to:

Ambiguous implicits for parameter coder$U$0: Coder[ExampleData]
Import 'com.spotify.scio.coders.kryo.fallback' ? More actions...

I note that the code compiles just fine, though.

  case class ExampleData(name: String, age: Int)

  def exampleFunc(data: SCollection[ExampleData]): SCollection[ExampleData] = {
    data.transform("example") { d => { dd =>
        dd.copy(age = dd.age + 1)

We've updated the plugin. The new 0.1.27 release fixed this.
It works best with scio 0.14.1+ (removing false implicit conflict between gen|javaBean)