
Calculator calculating strange results

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have installed spotter using the homebrew cask (it looks like I have spotter 0.0.4 based on the info.plist in the app bundle) and when I use it to do calculations I end up with results that are incorrect.

I am running Big Sur 11.2.3 as well.

If I try 123/2 I get the result 61.5 as expected.
If I try 61.5/2 I get the result 6.1
Even just typing 61.5 the result starts showing 12.2

It seems as soon as I add a decimal point to the equation things go wrong.
it looks like its performing division on the number when it sees a .
12.2 = 6, 1000.2 = 500

Playing with mathjs' evaluate method in a browser it calculates 61.5/2 correctly.

Hey @pyjamasam and thank you!
I'm currently working on a new version of spotter 1.0.0, which is in beta at the moment.
The calculator issue has already been fixed.
You can download beta versions here 🚀

Confirmed fixed in 1.0.0-beta.4 (and looks like 0.0.5 based on the code changed to the calculator plugin).
