
Software Needs to be Updated Dialogue

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Hi, I've been using Spotter for quite some time now. However, when I had upgraded to Big Sur, I suddenly started receiving this message:

Screen Shot 2021-11-15 at 5 57 07 PM

Is there a particular fix for this on my end, or is this something wrong with the Spotter library?

EDIT: I have tried the troubleshooting steps at the very bottom but it still is not working.

Hey @Alpheron 👋

Could you try the latest beta versions ?

Trying with the beta works! I cannot seem to authorize my spotify or search for any files however. Is file searching not implemented or is it just not working for me?

Sounds like a bug. Could you share more details please?

Try to search plugins <tab>

That results in something like the following:

Screen Shot 2021-11-28 at 12 53 33 PM

Ok, try to close and open spotter. It should help. I'll fix it in the next release.

I'm closing this issue for now. Feel free to reopen if still have the open issue

The issue still appears even after closing and reopening. Is there a way to print some sort of debugging information?

I will try to create a PR with the changes necessary to search for files if possible.

Please wait a little bit more, I am still working on core