
Problem with setting up "Caching Docker Image on an EBS Volume"

qraleq opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I set up everything according to the instructions related to "Caching Docker Image on an EBS Volume", and everything worked perfectly in the previous version of Spotty, but now in 1.3.0 I have problems starting an instance using the same settings.

Spotty throws the following error:
Validation error: The "mountDir" of one of the volumes must be a prefix for the "dockerDataRoot" path.

Can you please help me resolve this?

Thank you, Ivan. It's a bug. A quick workaround would be to explicitly specify mount directories for the rest of the instance volumes. For example:

dockerDataRoot: /docker
  - name: project
      size: 20
      mountDir: /mnt/project
  - name: data
      size: 500
      mountDir: /mnt/data
  - name: docker
      size: 10
      mountDir: /docker

Thanks, Oleg!

Fixed in v1.3.1