
position of 0,0,0-pixel in image

ludwig-gramberg opened this issue · 1 comments


i'm currently building a webapp to control a minecraft server and am using mcmap to render maps in tiles and then i push them into google maps.
also i'm parsing where the players are from the players/*.dat.

i want to put a live google map marker wherever the players are. but in order to so i need the exact position of the 0,0,0-minecraft-block in the rendered image. I already tried to calculate the position but its to hard for me because of the cropping etc.

so would it be possible to let mcmap put out an info-file which contains the mc-0,0,0-coord as a pixel-position in the image?

(i also tried to use the marker on an height 1 rendering in order to find the position by color-comparison but the marker did not work)

btw great tool!

erm... well i just saw the -info option :D that does exactly what i want