
ios: DNS override, hard to tell when deleting an entry

Opened this issue · 7 comments

On the iOS app, when trying to delete a DNS override entry, it is pretty hard to click on the red ❌ button as it is small; and somehow you also don't get any feedback when a click has been dispatched. That plus a small lag lead to clicking several times in a row and deleting multiple entries.

I can probably try to make a video if that's useful, but it wouldn't even be visible when I am tapping on the screen so not sure it'd be super useful.


I also noticed that this control is also used in the DNS logging settings UI and it has the same effect; you never know when you properly the ❌ and sometime end up deleting two entries when you wanted to delete one

Pushed a new version to TestFlight with a swipelist similar to device listing - check if this is better. Plan is if it works, we move more of the listings to this layout for iOS (blocklists, rules, groups, any listing) & add more buttons to the hidden view.

Thanks again!

Woot this is looking great!

The 'Dns Log Settings' / 'Host Privacy IP List' seems to have the old little red ❌; not sure if it was missed or it regressed somehow?

looking into it now, this view disappeared from routes and wasnt rendering properly on web. as for whyios is not picking up the swipelist im not sure. i dont actually see a code change for settings for using DNSOverrideListItem which got the swipe list in 340b5df

xcrun is currently failing for the PR. https://github.com/spr-networks/super/actions/runs/9026717967/job/24804460927 . its possible testflight is grabbing the wrong version

the dns override at least has it, so im thinking maybe it didnt make it to the log settings previously