
Can't open my files after iOS8 update

Opened this issue · 179 comments

Can someone please help me? I've just updated my iPad to the latest release and now my Brushes app won't let me open any of my files! I have 3 works that are in progress.

I've tried to export the work in .brushes format and thought I could reinstall the app but it's just forever stuck on exporting and won't export .brush format. ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!

When there is a fix please let me know too. By the way, any file that goes into the gallery--even new ones--won't reopen.

Same problems please fix and notify. This is a great software I use and NEED it daily.
Please also notify if this is not fixable at all so I can act accordingly and move on.

Same here guys, If anyone finds anything please let us know here. I spent hours searching for a solution but it seems right now there just isn't one. I deleted the app and reinstalled it and the same thing is happening.
Marihilda, your'e right even new files don't reopen :(
diebenkorn, I absolutely love this app and had been using it everywhere!

What i've had to do is just get an alternative, it's called Procreate https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/procreate-sketch-paint-create./id425073498?mt=8 . Yes it does cost a little but it's a good alternative with many more features. HOWEVER, I still prefer the brushes app and will wait for it.

Same here. I deleted Brushes because I was so frustrated. There are lots of alternatives: Procreate is my fave.

Putting my name here in the strong hope I get news of an update and can express my gratitude to a developer for taking on the job! I love Brushes and and would love to carry on with it. Open source can rock!

I've made a fix for iOS 8 (#34), but the author Steve Sprang needs to do the last part and submit an update to Apple. Hopefully he soon gets the time to do it :-)

I really appreciate you taking the time to do that tougher... and for letting us know. Given the widespread frustration with this Apple update I feel any wrath from Brushes users would be better directed there than here. I look forward to Mr Sprang finishing things off so I can finish the drawing of my wife. Cheers!

Yes, tougher, I appreciate it too and indeed some wrath should be
aimed at Apple. This isn't the first time I've updated something and
run into trouble for sure. Isn't Brushes the app used by the fellow
who does New Yorker covers? I would have thought Apple would have paid
a bit of attention to how popular this app is and at least run a test.
Still I am frustrated by not hearing from the developers of Brushes
that they are working to fix it.

On Oct 7, 2014, at 4:58 PM, ausrussell wrote:

I really appreciate you taking the time to do that tougher... and
for letting us know. Given the widespread frustration with this
Apple update I feel any wrath from Brushes users would be better
directed there than here. I look forward to Mr Sprang finishing
things off so I can finish the drawing of my wife. Cheers!

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

İ wonder if the artist David Hockney is still using this programme? it was
him who got me into it in the first place. He cant be too pleased either.
Appreciate your efforts tougher. İ have tried procreate but it doesnt have
quite the same immediacy for me.
Lets hope Mr Sprang gets with the programme.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 12:22 AM, marihilda notifications@github.com wrote:

Yes, tougher, I appreciate it too and indeed some wrath should be
aimed at Apple. This isn't the first time I've updated something and
run into trouble for sure. Isn't Brushes the app used by the fellow
who does New Yorker covers? I would have thought Apple would have paid
a bit of attention to how popular this app is and at least run a test.
Still I am frustrated by not hearing from the developers of Brushes
that they are working to fix it.

On Oct 7, 2014, at 4:58 PM, ausrussell wrote:

I really appreciate you taking the time to do that tougher... and
for letting us know. Given the widespread frustration with this
Apple update I feel any wrath from Brushes users would be better
directed there than here. I look forward to Mr Sprang finishing
things off so I can finish the drawing of my wife. Cheers!

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#33 (comment).

Diana Page
Mobile: +90 5366765245

@tougher, thanks very much for the fix! My girlfriend has the same problem as all the others here, she can no longer open her paintings on an iPad 3 running iOS 8. May I ask which version of XCode you have used? And do you know if the paintings would be deleted if I'd build and deploy it on her iPad?

Thanks in advance.

To be fair it's not entirely Apple fault. A part of the meta data was incorrecly set to public.data instead for public.folder. Apple should not have allowed public.data when dealing with folders in the first place and they "fixed" it with the iOS 8 update.

@mn4367 I built it with Xcode 6. You should be able to backup/restore the app data with eg. iExplorer or similar program.

I'm not sure what this means. Do we need to download something? I
don't know what iExplorer is. I'm sorry to ask but could someone
explain exactly what one is supposed to do?

Thank you in advance, Linda

On Oct 9, 2014, at 9:42 AM, tougher wrote:

To be fair it's not entirely Apple fault. A part of the meta data
was incorrecly set to public.data instead for public.folder. Apple
should not have allowed public.data when dealing with folders in the
first place and they "fixed" it with the iOS 8 update.

@mn4367 I built it with Xcode 6. You should be able to backup/
restore the app data with eg. iExplorer or similar program.

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@mn4367 I built it with Xcode 6. You should be able to backup/restore the app data with eg. iExplorer or similar program.


I'm not sure what this means. Do we need to download something? I don't know what iExplorer is. I'm sorry to ask but could someone explain exactly what one is supposed to do?

With iExplorer it's possible to access an iDevice like a harddisk (to some extent). So you maybe you could transfer the Brushes files to your computer. But my guess is that it won't help you. I wouldn't be surprised if the file format of Brushes is something completely proprietary which can only be opened by Brushes itself.

Since the file without being exported contains an animation of how it
was made, I would guess as well that Brushes is the only app that will
open it. My computer is running OS 10.5.8--will Brushes even work on
it? I do have an iTouch with an older iOS--is there any way I can get
the files from the iPad to it? Will Mr. Strang be able to fix the app
so it will work again or is it finished? Sorry to be so
unknowledgeable about all of this.

Thanks everyone, Linda

On Oct 9, 2014, at 12:43 PM, mn4367 wrote:

I'm not sure what this means. Do we need to download something? I
don't know what iExplorer is. I'm sorry to ask but could someone
explain exactly what one is supposed to do?

With iExplorer it's possible to access an iDevice like a harddisk
(to some extent). So you maybe you could transfer the Brushes files
to your computer. But my guess is that it won't help you. I wouldn't
be surprised if the file format of Brushes is something completely
proprietary which can only be opened by Brushes itself.

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Since the file without being exported contains an animation of how it was made, I would guess as well that Brushes is the only app that will open it.


My computer is running OS 10.5.8--will Brushes even work on it?

No, no way. Brushes needs iOS, that's a different operating system.

I do have an iTouch with an older iOS--is there any way I can get the files from the iPad to it?

I don't know, sorry. Maybe it's possible with iExplorer, but I don't know, if iExplorer can write to an iDevice.

Will Mr. Strang be able to fix the app so it will work again or is it finished?

With the fix form @tougher, sure (although I haven't tested it on my iPad, maybe I'll find the time to try it this weekend), but only he can answer that question.

Sorry to be so unknowledgeable about all of this.

No problem, you're welcome :-).

Following discussions, I too am hoping that very soon there will be a solution to brushes 3. I cannot access any work from my portfolio, or continue my work in progress. I also teach drawing using this app!
Does anyone know if Steve Sprang has commented at all, or knows of this problem?

http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1383410 :-S
I have the same thoughts as in the above link. The last online signs of life seems to be in April this year on Twitter.

Maby I should try submit a fixed version of this app to App Store, but it will more than likely be rejected.
The license says: Please do not submit unmodified (or trivially modified) versions of this application to the App Store. and I will ask Apple to pull any apps that do not comply. Please don't waste your time and mine..
Many people rely on this app. My girlfriend can't find a proper replacement, so she is stuck on iOS 7, but all her students has updated their iPads to iOS 8.

Has anyone actually made contact with Steve Sprang or had any comments or acknowledgement that there is awareness of this issue. Is brushes 3 dead?

I think it makes sense to submit the fixed version. If Steve Strang is
paying attention (so far there is no indication he is for whatever
reason) then he can pull it if he pleases and fix it himself. If he is
not paying attention, then we all have the fix and so does anyone else
who wants the app. That is good. Plus if something is going amiss in
Mr. Strang's life and he doesn't have time to think about the app, he
will be grateful for the help. I am sure Mr. Strang is proud of this
very popular program and wants it to be functional. Finally, maybe the
modification of the app is trivial but the effect of the modification
is not.

Please, submit it.

On Oct 10, 2014, at 3:57 AM, tougher wrote:

http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1383410 :-S
I have the same thoughts as in the above link. The last online signs
of life seems to be in April this year on Twitter.

Maby I should try submit a fixed version of this app to App Store,
but it will more than likely be rejected.
The license says: Please do not submit unmodified (or trivially
modified) versions of this application to the App Store. and I will
ask Apple to pull any apps that do not comply. Please don't waste
your time and mine..
Many people rely on this app. My girlfriend can't find a proper
replacement, so she is stuck on iOS 7, but all her students has
updated their iPads to iOS 8.

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OK is there anyway to make Brushes work? To retrieve files at least
readable in Photoshop? I would very much appreciate some help!

On Oct 10, 2014, at 3:57 AM, tougher wrote:

http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1383410 :-S
I have the same thoughts as in the above link. The last online signs
of life seems to be in April this year on Twitter.

Maby I should try submit a fixed version of this app to App Store,
but it will more than likely be rejected.
The license says: Please do not submit unmodified (or trivially
modified) versions of this application to the App Store. and I will
ask Apple to pull any apps that do not comply. Please don't waste
your time and mine..
Many people rely on this app. My girlfriend can't find a proper
replacement, so she is stuck on iOS 7, but all her students has
updated their iPads to iOS 8.

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I tried some things, this is the result:

  • I used the demo version of iExplorer to look for the Brushes files. Fortunately they are accessible, moreover Brushes creates JPEG Previews of all paintings in full resolution, that is 2048x1536 on an iPad with Retina display. So it's at least possible for everyone to get good quality JPEGs of their paintings.
  • I compiled the patched version from @tougher on OS X 10.8.5 with Xcode 5.1.1 and deployed it on an iPhone 4 with iOS 7.1.1. This works (of course, since Brushes has no problems with iOS 7.x). I did this to ensure that the deployment doesn't destroy paintings already existing on the device (i made some, just to see what will happen). The paintings were all there, so this was good news. But with this setup one cannot deploy to a device running iOS 8.
  • I compiled it again on OS X 10.9.4 with Xcode 6 against the iOS 8 SDK and deployed it on an iPad running iOS 8.02 and voilà, Brushes can load the paintings again. But only those which have already been created before the iOS 8 upgrade, paintings which have been made with Brushes running on iOS 8 are broken, so it's not only a problem with loading but also with saving paintings. But this shouldn't be a problem.

Unfortunately building against the iOS 8 SDK has its own problems: the color picker isn't wide enough (it's almost unusable) and the popups for the brushes and layers no longer take the full vertical space. So I copied an iOS 7 SDK from an older Xcode installation and built Brushes against it. With this build the problems mentioned above are gone, Brushes seems to work without problems and the layout of the user interface is OK again.

So all in all, there is a future for the App if one compiles it on his/her own machine; for those who don't want to do this, the JPEGs can be downloaded from the device with iExplorer or similar tools.

On my attempts to compile it I first had to introduce a bunch of (int)-casts because the compiler complained. Later on this was no longer necessary, I have no idea why. Maybe I changed the Xcode project settings. In the end I was able to use the code from @tougher without modifications.

Many people rely on this app. My girlfriend can't find a proper replacement, so she is stuck on iOS 7, but all her students has updated their iPads to iOS 8.

There are at least two alternatives:

Brushes XP seems to be built on the sources of Brushes 3. The developer claims, that it has been updated for iOS 8, so maybe it's worth trying. Disclaimer: I don't have any relationship with this developer or project, so please don't take this as a recommendation.

Brushes Pad is also built based on Brushes 3, but since the last update dates from November 2013 I think it will have the same problems with iOS 8.

Except for the underlying sources both apps are independent, so I don't think that they can access the paintings made with Brushes 3 (I'm sure they will install in their own directories). And both are charging money, which isn't very nice (I think) since Brushes 3 has been made open source.

I just saw that the sources for Brushes XP are available here.

This fix is way beyond my abilities. But I think I might be able to
retrieve the files if that is a fairly simple matter. Maybe I could
trouble someone to reveal a little more of what to expect from
iExplorer and where one goes "looking" for files. Until there is a
straightforward upgrade to Brushes the app is finished for me. What a

Thanks to all who have worked hard on this.

On Oct 14, 2014, at 6:07 AM, mn4367 wrote:

I tried some things, this is the result:

I used the demo version of iExplorer to look for the Brushes files.
Fortunately they are accessible, moreover Brushes creates JPEG
Previews of all paintings in full resolution, that is 2048x1536 on
an iPad with Retina display. So it's at least possible for everyone
to get good quality JPEGs of their paintings.

I compiled the patched version from @tougher on OS X 10.8.5 with
Xcode 5.1.1 and deployed it on an iPhone 4 with iOS 7.1.1. This
works (of course, since Brushes has no problems with iOS 7.x). I did
this to ensure that the deployment doesn't destroy paintings already
existing on the device (i made some, just to see what will happen).
The paintings were all there, so this was good news. But with this
setup one cannot deploy to a device running iOS 8.

I compiled it again on OS X 10.9.4 with Xcode 6 against the iOS 8
SDK and deployed it on an iPad running iOS 8.02 and voilà, Brushes
can load the paintings again. But only those which have already been
created before the iOS 8 upgrade, paintings which have been made
with Brushes running on iOS 8 are broken, so it's not only a problem
with loading but also with saving paintings. But this shouldn't be a

Unfortunately building against the iOS 8 SDK has its own problems:
the color picker isn't wide enough (it's almost unusable) and the
popups for the brushes and layers no longer take the full vertical
space. So I copied an iOS 7 SDK from an older Xcode installation and
built Brushes against it. With this build the problems mentioned
above are gone, Brushes seems to work without problems and the
layout of the user interface is OK again.

So all in all, there is a future for the App if one compiles it on
his/her own machine; for those who don't want to do this, the JPEGs
can be downloaded from the device with iExplorer or similar tools.

On my attempts to compile it I first had to introduce a bunch of
(int)-casts because the compiler complained. Later on this was no
longer necessary, I have no idea why. Maybe I changed the Xcode
project settings. In the end I was able to use the code from
@tougher without modifications.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

@marihilda, are you using a Mac?
If so, then:

  1. Download and install iExplorer.
  2. Connect your iDevice to your Mac with the USB cable.
  3. Start iExplorer and click Continue with Demo. You should see something like this:
  4. In the outer left bar click on Apps. You'll see all of the apps installed. In this list double click on Brushes and you should see this folder structure:
  5. If you again double click on Documents you'll see a folder named paintings.
  6. Drag this folder to your desktop. Depending on the number of paintings on your device this can take quite a time, so please be patient.
  7. Make a backup copy of this folder since it contains all your originals!
  8. Inside the paintings folder (on your desktop) you'll see (perhaps a lot of) subfolders, the names of these subfolders correspond to the names of your paintings in Brushes. Each folder makes up a Brushes painting. The folder names end on .brushes_unpacked.
  9. Inside every folder there is a file named image.jpg. This is the full resolution image of your artwork:

I hope this helps. If you are running into problems with this approach, don't hesitate to ask.

Another perhaps important observation: it is possible to drag files and folders back into the file browser of iExplorer! This worked on my iPad with about 60 paintings (.brushes_unpacked folders) I copied from another device.

So there is at least a chance that this procedure also works with, for example, Brushes XP. This would mean that one could transfer files from Brushes 3 to Brushes XP. I'm not going to spend the money for Brushes XP to try this out, maybe some other user could try it. I'd be willing to help with a desktop remote session in case of any problems.

Yes I am using a mac. Is the fact I am using system 10.5.8 on the
macbook going to be a problem? Also since I upgraded to iOS 8 does it
make sense to continue to make the iOS 8 upgrades as Apple issues
them? I didn't install 8.0.2. If I understand correctly, it seems the
error is with Brushes and there won't be anything coming from Apple
that will fix this.

Does anyone know if Brushes XP will open the Brushes file as if it
were a native file? Is that what you are getting at in the last
paragraph? Otherwise if Brushes XP works like Brushes you could just
import the unfinished file as you would any jpeg and work from there.

You are a wonderful person for doing this! Thank you so so much!

On Oct 15, 2014, at 2:18 PM, mn4367 wrote:

@marihilda, are you using a Mac?
If so, then:

Download and install iExplorer.
Connect your iDevice to your Mac with the USB cable.
Start iExplorer and click Continue with Demo. You should see
something like this:
In the outer left bar click on Apps. You'll see all of the apps
installed. In this list double click on Brushes and you should see
this folder structure:
If you again double click on Documents you'll see a folder named
Drag this folder to your desktop. Depending on the number of
paintings on your device this can take quite a time, so please be
Make a backup copy of this folder since it contains all your
Inside the paintings folder (on your desktop) you'll see (perhaps a
lot of) subfolders, the names of these subfolders correspond to the
names of your paintings in Brushes. Each folder makes up a Brushes
painting. The folder names end on .brushes_unpacked.
Inside every folder there is a file named image.jpg. This is the
full resolution image of your artwork:
I hope this helps. If you are running into problems with this
approach, don't hesitate to ask.

Another perhaps important observation: it is possible to drag files
and folders back into the file browser of iExplorer! This worked on
my iPad with about 60 paintings (.brushes_unpacked folders) I copied
from another device.

So there is at least a chance that this procedure also works with,
for example, Brushes XP. This would mean that one could transfer
files from Brushes 3 to Brushes XP. I'm not going to spend the money
for Brushes XP to try this out, maybe some other user could try it.
I'd be willing to help with a desktop remote session in case of any

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Yes I am using a mac. Is the fact I am using system 10.5.8 on the macbook going to be a problem?

Do you really mean 10.5.8??? That's more than five years old now... Or did you mean 10.8.5?
In the case of 10.5.8, I don't know if iExplorer will run on such an old OS X version. But since it's a free trial download, you could try yourself (I no longer have a machine with 10.5.x)

Also since I upgraded to iOS 8 does it make sense to continue to make the iOS 8 upgrades as Apple issues them? I didn't install 8.0.2. If I understand correctly, it seems the error is with Brushes and there won't be anything coming from Apple that will fix this.

Apart from special cases you should upgrade. Often iOS upgrades fix security issues. The problem is on the side of Brushes 3, it simply needs an upgrade to work on iOS 8.x. But Brushes isn't the only case, I had other apps that didn't work after the update, but meanwhile all of them had been upgraded to work on iOS 8.

Does anyone know if Brushes XP will open the Brushes file as if it were a native file? Is that what you are getting at in the last paragraph? Otherwise if Brushes XP works like Brushes you could just import the unfinished file as you would any jpeg and work from there.

I don't know if it will open files from Brushes 3 and as I said, I won't buy it just to test it. I'm not using Brushes (my painting skills are ridiculous...). I just get involved into all this because my girlfriend uses Brushes 3 and she had the same problems like all the other users here. With the fix from @tougher I was able to install the fixed version on her iPad. I could do that because I have an Apple developer account which enables me to deploy apps on iDevices. So she is able to use it again and doesn't have to look for other apps.

There was something else--I thought I would be installing iExplorer on
the iPad--yes? How does it have to "run" on the macbook and yes
10.5.8. I'm a designer and I couldn't afford the adobe design suite
until last summer so I have had to keep this older system.

Brushes xp says compatible with Brushes 3 files. It's only 3 bucks so
I may get it. It is compatible with iOS8. Or so it says.

On Oct 15, 2014, at 4:05 PM, mn4367 wrote:

Yes I am using a mac. Is the fact I am using system 10.5.8 on the
macbook going to be a problem?

Do you really mean 10.5.8??? That's more than five years old now...
Or did you mean 10.8.5?
In the case of 10.5.8, I don't know if iExplorer will run on such an
old OS X version. But since it's a free trial download, you could
try yourself (I no longer have a machine with 10.5.x)

Also since I upgraded to iOS 8 does it make sense to continue to
make the iOS 8 upgrades as Apple issues them? I didn't install
8.0.2. If I understand correctly, it seems the error is with Brushes
and there won't be anything coming from Apple that will fix this.

Apart from special cases you should upgrade. Often iOS upgrades fix
security issues. The problem is on the side of Brushes 3, it simply
needs an upgrade to work on iOS 8.x. But Brushes isn't the only
case, I had other apps that didn't work after the update, but
meanwhile all of them had been upgraded to work on iOS 8.

Does anyone know if Brushes XP will open the Brushes file as if it
were a native file? Is that what you are getting at in the last
paragraph? Otherwise if Brushes XP works like Brushes you could just
import the unfinished file as you would any jpeg and work from there.

I don't know if it will open files from Brushes 3 and as I said, I
won't buy it just to test it. I'm not using Brushes (my painting
skills are ridiculous...). I just get involved into all this because
my girlfriend uses Brushes 3 and she had the same problems like all
the other users here. With the fix from @tougher I was able to
install the fixed version on her iPad. I could do that because I
have an Apple developer account which enables me to deploy apps on
iDevices. So she is able to use it again and doesn't have to look
for other apps.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

No, iExplorer is a Mac application, you can't install it on an iPad/iPhone/iPod, therefore I asked about your Mac OS X version. If I were you, I'd give it a try.

I have an external drive with 10.6.? and I could use it. I also may
spring for the piggy-back app Brushes YP. They seem to be claiming it
opens Brushes files and it works with iOS8. I understand why people
would be annoyed at something parasitic but if it works and this one
doesn't then what can ya say?

What did that last email from Jerry Zhao mean?

Thanks again for the instructions and for being so patient. I'm an
artist, not a programmer and I had so hoped the app developer would
have a fix that us non-techies could use.

I'll let you know how it turns out. Again thanks!

On Oct 16, 2014, at 1:51 PM, mn4367 wrote:

No, iExplorer is a Mac application, you can't install it on an iPad/
iPhone/iPod, therefore I asked about your Mac OS X version.If I were
you, I'd give it a try.

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I've been watching for awhile, hoping that there would be an update, but it looks it's not happening. I really do not want to use Brushes XP for two reasons: it costs money for an app I was using for free, and as far as I can tell, it has no additional features to justify the cost.

My situation is: I received my iPad air as a gift, and have otherwise no experience with apple products. I truly love this program, but lost it due to the ios update. I have already uninstalled/reinstalled the program, so I am not concerned with getting back my images. My friend has a windows computer that is synced up with my iPad. I don't know anyone with a Mac. My dad is an experienced programmer, BUT he has no experience with Apple products.

So, I have a couple of questions I was hoping someone could help me with as I am not very tech savvy. Can anyone guide my dad through the process of getting the fix to my iPad? Also, since there are already paid versions of the program available, is it possible for someone to submit a "new" free app of the program?

Thanks in advance for any help I can get.

Does anyone know of a newsletter/blog or similar, where one could enter an email address to be notified when the situation changes with Brushes? It's such a great app, I hate to see it flounder...

As an aside, there are a number of famous artists who've done amazing and widely disseminated work with the app. One is a New Yorker cover artist whose name I can't recall, and the other (I believe) is David Hockney. Does anyone know what folks like that have done since Brushes has stopped being actively developed?


@jan_lee_johnson: HELP SOS BRUSHES 3 not working on IOS 8 !!! Any solutions??? @brushesapp @Ipadartists @Strang @github @MrDavidHockney @thejorgecolombo
As you can see I have sent messages via Twitter to persons of influence including the developer steve sprang in california. I too am hoping the app is resurrected .
Jan lee johnson

Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Oct 2014, at 19:47, jiclark notifications@github.com wrote:

Does anyone know of a newsletter/blog or similar, where one could enter an email address to be notified when the situation changes with Brushes? It's such a great app, I hate to see it flounder...

As an aside, there are a number of famous artists who've done amazing and widely disseminated work with the app. One is a New Yorker cover artist whose name I can't recall, and the other (I believe) is David Hockney. Does anyone know what folks like that have done since Brushes has stopped being actively developed?


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I'm also waiting for this have to get fixed.
I really liked it.

How long have you been waiting to get this fixed? Have you ever heard from the designer/developer?

On Oct 20, 2014, at 9:58 PM, vzvghg wrote:

I'm also waiting for this have to get fixed.
I really liked it.

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Hi . Since installing system 0s8 2 weeks ago on iPad brushes stopped working. I have contacted developer but heard nothing the developer was is Steve strang in California but nothing from him has been reported. This is really frustrating . I have has tagged David Hockney to see if he can help exert pressure perhaps more should do this . Ally portfolio is on this but I show examples on Pinterest jan lee johnson.
Keep up the pressure!

Sent from my iPhone

On 21 Oct 2014, at 06:28, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

How long have you been waiting to get this fixed? Have you ever heard from the designer/developer?

On Oct 20, 2014, at 9:58 PM, vzvghg wrote:

I'm also waiting for this have to get fixed.
I really liked it.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Hi. Thanks for letting me know about your frustrations with this program. I went to the Apple store yesterday and mentioned that perhaps if Apple contacted the developer about this that he would respond. Apple rep said perhaps, but nothing definite. These things move slowly, I guess. Please keep me informed. Thanks!

On Oct 21, 2014, at 1:58 AM, pepysjan wrote:

Hi . Since installing system 0s8 2 weeks ago on iPad brushes stopped working. I have contacted developer but heard nothing the developer was is Steve strang in California but nothing from him has been reported. This is really frustrating . I have has tagged David Hockney to see if he can help exert pressure perhaps more should do this . Ally portfolio is on this but I show examples on Pinterest jan lee johnson.
Keep up the pressure!

Sent from my iPhone

On 21 Oct 2014, at 06:28, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

How long have you been waiting to get this fixed? Have you ever heard from the designer/developer?

On Oct 20, 2014, at 9:58 PM, vzvghg wrote:

I'm also waiting for this have to get fixed.
I really liked it.

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A question for tougher--Have you submitted a fixed version of the app
to Apple? Given the silence from the developer (Strang) I would think
they would be happy to get a fix. No?

It's been a month now with not a peep.

On Oct 10, 2014, at 3:57 AM, tougher wrote:

http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1383410 :-S
I have the same thoughts as in the above link. The last online signs
of life seems to be in April this year on Twitter.

Maby I should try submit a fixed version of this app to App Store,
but it will more than likely be rejected.
The license says: Please do not submit unmodified (or trivially
modified) versions of this application to the App Store. and I will
ask Apple to pull any apps that do not comply. Please don't waste
your time and mine..
Many people rely on this app. My girlfriend can't find a proper
replacement, so she is stuck on iOS 7, but all her students has
updated their iPads to iOS 8.

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I think I was tagged accidentally on this. I have had no involvement with this project.

I've just submitted an iOS 8 compatible version of the app to App Store. The app will go under the name Brushes Redux :-)
I've had to do a lot of iOS 8 fixes and make the redux app work along with the original one. Also Xcode 6.1 does not allow one to submit apps (false private-api usage issue).

If the redux app gets approved by Apple please report any issues here: https://github.com/tougher/Brushes/issues

Thank you so much! Is it possible to move my work from the old version
to the new?

Does Apple warn people that the old Brushes is not compatible with the
new iOS?

Thank you again! Linda

On Oct 29, 2014, at 5:21 AM, tougher wrote:

Finally it's here: https://itunes.apple.com/dk/app/brushes-redux/id932089074?mt=8

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Thanks tougher. İ have been following this whole conversation with interest looking forward to having the app again. To sync my images from the faulty app to the new İ guess İ have to go back through your directions here? One of the things İ love about brushes is the playback mode. İ really want to use these in an upcoming exhibition of my art work. Any idea how İ could save these playbacks so that İ could put them on display in a gallery?

Ok, I am the developer of "Brushes XP" application. Yes, it opens files created by "Brushes 3" and it also works with iOS 8. It can create videos of drawing process and has some other enhancements like copy/paste of a layer with transparency.

How exactly does it open files from Brushes 3 since those files are
not in its gallery?

On Oct 29, 2014, at 9:41 AM, MrKibernetik wrote:

Ok, I am the developer of "Brushes XP" application. Yes, it opens
files created by "Brushes 3" and it also works with iOS 8. It can
create videos of drawing process and has some other enhancements
like copy/paste of a layer with transparency.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

"Brushes XP" uses exactly the same Dropbox gallery, so integration is seamless: from Brushes XP you see and can work with all your drawings which are uploaded to Dropbox.=

Actually main purpose of creating Brushes XP application was adding the feature to export videos of a drawing process (which Brushes 3 cannot do) and also supporting it in future (yes, iOS 8 proved it is necessary to support app from one iOS version to another). In many other aspects Brushes XP is the direct replacement of Brushes 3 - it has exactly the same file format, works with the same Dropbox account. And I will continue to support Brushes XP and add new features requested by users - Brushes 3 is a great app and it should live and continue to develop!

Problem is that the present form of Brushes won't upload anything. Not
if you have iOS8 anyway.

On Oct 29, 2014, at 10:02 AM, MrKibernetik wrote:

"Brushes XP" uses exactly the same Dropbox gallery, so integration
is seamless: from Brushes XP you see and can work with all your
drawings which are uploaded to Dropbox.=

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Brushes 3 in iOS 8 cannot work with Dropbox gallery?

You can't open anything, export anything. I don't really know what
dropbox gallery is but since I never exported any files into dropbox,
I would assume they aren't there. Correct? Presently all the artwork
is locked up which is why I asked how to move my Brushes 3 gallery
into Brushes Redux.

On Oct 29, 2014, at 11:23 AM, MrKibernetik wrote:

Brushes 3 in iOS 8 cannot work with Dropbox gallery?

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Normal procedure to export your drawing to Dropbox is:

  1. Press "Select" button (top left)
  2. Choose your drawing
  3. Press exporting button (top right)
  4. Press "Send to Dropbox" button (bottom right)

Uhhh--I think you weren't listening. You cannot perform that operation
with Brushes in iOS8. Nothing can be exported to anyplace in any format.

Maybe you should go back and read the whole thread. Just retrieving
the jpeg preview is quite a task for the uninitiated.

On Oct 29, 2014, at 11:35 AM, MrKibernetik wrote:

Normal procedure to export your drawing to Dropbox is:

  1. Press "Select" button (top left)
  2. Choose your drawing
  3. Press exporting button (top right)
  4. Press "Send to Dropbox" button (bottom right)

    Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

So, have you tried solution by mn4367?

The problem for me is I click on my painting in Brushes and BEFORE I can select Dropbox I get a message saying "There was a problem opening this painting" and I can't see it. The dropbox option is never available. I just cant see it. Help! I'm following along all your instructions

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 29, 2014, at 8:35 AM, MrKibernetik notifications@github.com wrote:

Normal procedure to export your drawing to Dropbox is:

  1. Press "Select" button (top left)
  2. Choose your drawing
  3. Press exporting button (top right)
  4. Press "Send to Dropbox" button (bottom right)

    Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Then solution by mn4367 is the only way to get your files back.

If I am not mistaken that retrieves the preview. Not the whole file.

On Oct 29, 2014, at 11:54 AM, MrKibernetik wrote:

Then solution by mn4367 is the only way to get your files back.

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mn4367's 'solution' hasn't even been tested, as far as I can tell from these comments. It sounds to me like anyone with a Brushes 3 library who's upgraded to iOS 8 without syncing to a Dropbox acct. might just be out of luck... Someone needs to test out iExplorer to confirm!

marihilda, you are mistaken - this solution saves your drawings (not only JPEGs) and lets transfer them to Brushes XP.
jiclark - I confirm this works

tougher, I downloaded Redux to test it out, and am seeing weird jaggy edge anomalies when drawing. They go away when just viewing the file, but it's really distracting when drawing! Here's a screenshot:


mn4367's 'solution' hasn't even been tested,

Well, I've already tested it. If you read my post it is clearly stated:

Another perhaps important observation: it is possible to drag files and folders back into the file browser of iExplorer! This worked on my iPad with about 60 paintings (.brushes_unpacked folders) I copied from another device.

With iExplorer it is really easy to transfer all the Brushes artwork.

Edit: ref to jiclarks posting.

I think mn4367 tested it.

On Oct 29, 2014, at 12:03 PM, jiclark wrote:

mn4367's 'solution' hasn't even been tested, as far as I can tell
from these comments. It sounds to me like anyone with a Brushes 3
library who's upgraded to iOS 8 without syncing to a Dropbox acct.
might just be out of luck... Someone needs to test out iExplorer to

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Sorry, my bad... So iExplorer is the solution!

@jiclark that looks weird. Unfortunately I'm unable to replicate the issue. I've been testing on iPad 4 and Air. What iPad do you use?

Unfortunately apps can't access each others files. The best solution would have been to let the Redux version open paintings from the original version and vice versa, but that can not be done.

I'll look into making a tool (Mac/PC) to easy transfer data between the apps. I do not know the complexity of accessing data, like iExplorer do, on an iOS device and can't make any promises though.

I give up on trying to rescue my paintings in Brushes. I keep getting same message every time I click on it. Each time it says "cannot open. There's a problem with painting 3". I keep trying different things. Nada.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2014, at 12:06 PM, tougher notifications@github.com wrote:

@jiclark that looks weird. Unfortunately I'm unable to replicate the issue. I've been testing on iPad 4 and Air. What iPad do you use?

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I assume your response is for me. Thanks very much.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2014, at 12:18 PM, tougher notifications@github.com wrote:

Unfortunately apps can't access each others files. The best solution would have been to let the Redux version open paintings from the original version and vice versa, but that can not be done.

I'll look into making a tool (Mac/PC) to easy transfer data between the apps. I do not know the complexity of accessing data, like iExplorer do, on an iOS device and can't make any promises though.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

I give up on trying to rescue my paintings in Brushes. I keep getting same message every time I click on it. Each time it says "cannot open. There's a problem with painting 3". I keep trying different things. Nada.

There's really no need to give up since it's very easy to transfer them from Brushes to Brushes Redux (or Brushes XP). And you can also access JPEGs of your paintings in good quality, if you follow the short instruction above.

All paintings should have been saved as jpg? I thought saving them gallery would have sufficed... I'm new at this, you can tell.
I'll download Brushes XP

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2014, at 12:42 PM, mn4367 notifications@github.com wrote:

I give up on trying to rescue my paintings in Brushes. I keep getting same message every time I click on it. Each time it says "cannot open. There's a problem with painting 3". I keep trying different things. Nada.

There's really no need to give up since it's very easy to transfer them from Brushes to Brushes Redux (or Brushes XP). And you can also access JPEGs of your paintings in good quality, if you follow the short instruction above.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

@tougher, it's an iPad Air 2...

All paintings should have been saved as jpg? I thought saving them gallery would have sufficed... I'm new at this, you can tell.

No, you don't have to do anything for this. Brushes creates an internal JPEG of every painting by default. This is what you can "rescue" with iExplorer if everything else isn't an option.

If I understand the directions right. You should be able to rescue the
whole gallery folder in which the individual paintings and their jpegs
reside. Is that what you meant by:

"Well, I've already tested it. If you read my post it is clearly stated:
Another perhaps important observation: it is possible to drag files
and folders back into the file browser of iExplorer! This worked on my
iPad with about 60 paintings (.brushes_unpacked folders) I copied from
another device.

With iExplorer it is really easy to transfer all the Brusches artwork."

As mn4367 knows I have a problem particular to my computer set-up. The
above directions (for those of us who are not totally computer savvy)
seem to indicate a one-way transfer. Still it seems to suggest you can
drag them back onto the i-device into a different spot (i.e. Brushes
Gallery to iExplorer to Brushes Redux or XP Gallery. Is that what is

On Oct 29, 2014, at 6:26 PM, mn4367 wrote:

All paintings should have been saved as jpg? I thought saving them
gallery would have sufficed... I'm new at this, you can tell.

No, you don't have to do anything for this. Brushes creates an
internal JPEG of every painting by default. This is what you can
"rescue" with iExplorer if everything else isn't an option.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Thanks for this info. For some reason iExplorer is not responding. Error message. I'm using this on iPad mini. Does this matter?

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2014, at 4:50 PM, marihilda notifications@github.com wrote:

If I understand the directions right. You should be able to rescue the
whole gallery folder in which the individual paintings and their jpegs
reside. Is that what you meant by:

"Well, I've already tested it. If you read my post it is clearly stated:
Another perhaps important observation: it is possible to drag files
and folders back into the file browser of iExplorer! This worked on my
iPad with about 60 paintings (.brushes_unpacked folders) I copied from
another device.

With iExplorer it is really easy to transfer all the Brusches artwork."

As mn4367 knows I have a problem particular to my computer set-up. The
above directions (for those of us who are not totally computer savvy)
seem to indicate a one-way transfer. Still it seems to suggest you can
drag them back onto the i-device into a different spot (i.e. Brushes
Gallery to iExplorer to Brushes Redux or XP Gallery. Is that what is

On Oct 29, 2014, at 6:26 PM, mn4367 wrote:

All paintings should have been saved as jpg? I thought saving them
gallery would have sufficed... I'm new at this, you can tell.

No, you don't have to do anything for this. Brushes creates an
internal JPEG of every painting by default. This is what you can
"rescue" with iExplorer if everything else isn't an option.

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Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

It's all working brilliantly for me now with me retrieving all my works (well the ones I wanted) from my old Brushes and putting them into Brushes Redux... now I'm finishing the painting I started of my wife.

I simply followed mn4367's steps above using iExplorer.
The new steps were simply dragging the desired folders of my paintings (e.g. Sara Working.brushes_unpacked) from the paintings folder on my desktop into the paintings folder of the Brushes Redux in iExplorer, i.e. Apps > Brushes Redux > Documents > paintings
Here's a screenshot for those who like visuals which may be all Brushes users:
screen shot 2014-10-31 at 3 12 12 pm

Huge thanks to tougher for going through the hassles of fixing the issue and the app store submission... and the rest of you who helped.

Thanks to you too.
Much appreciative.

On Oct 31, 2014, at 3:16 PM, ausrussell wrote:

It's all working brilliantly for me now with me retrieving all (well the ones I wanted) from my old Brushes and putting them into Brushes Redux... now I'm finishing the painting I started of my wife.

I simply followed mn4367 steps above using iExplorer.
The new steps were simply dragging the desired folders of my paintings (e.g. Sara Working.brushes_unpacked) from the desktop into the paintings folder of the Brushes Redux iniExplorer, i.e. Apps > Brushes Redux > Documents > paintings
Here's a screenshot for those who like visuals which may be all Brushes users:

Huge thanks to tougher for going through the hassles of fixing the issue and the app store submission... and the rest of you who helped.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Will ipad, Apple, send out an update to fix this problem with brushes, so we wont have yo go throught the above procedures to fix brushes?

I finally got Brushes XP and it does everything you wanted & expected from the original Brushes (which was great). I also got DropBox installed on my little Mini iPad. My problem before was that I NEVER saved anything as a JPG. Since I'm old but new at this (creating artwork electronically) and w/no instructions per se, I've accepted the idea that I take a snap from my phone camera of the gallery page, emailed to myself, then recreated my masterpieces on the XP version. It's all a learning experience... hope this helps you.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will ipad, Apple, send out an update to fix this problem with brushes, so we wont have yo go throught the above procedures to fix brushes?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Thank you for reply. I did save all my art work on JPG and I also saved a lot of the process to iPhotos, also. What I don’t want to lose the the video of the process of the art work. I deeply want to be able to take all the past work and see the video’s again. Is this possible by installing the Brushes XP and DropBox? I am such a klutz with the computer that I am afraid of losing the video of all prior work.
Comments appreciated. Thank you for reply

On Nov 2, 2014, at 11:35 AM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

I finally got Brushes XP and it does everything you wanted & expected from the original Brushes (which was great). I also got DropBox installed on my little Mini iPad. My problem before was that I NEVER saved anything as a JPG. Since I'm old but new at this (creating artwork electronically) and w/no instructions per se, I've accepted the idea that I take a snap from my phone camera of the gallery page, emailed to myself, then recreated my masterpieces on the XP version. It's all a learning experience... hope this helps you.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will ipad, Apple, send out an update to fix this problem with brushes, so we wont have yo go throught the above procedures to fix brushes?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Hi, yes, the newest Brushes XP allows you to save the video AND jpg version. It's like Brushes XP is complete but regular Brushes is not. It's hard to accept, I know. But once you get used to XP, you won't look back. I agree that the video re-cap is A WONDERFUL option.

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:07 PM, Artinnewmexico wrote:

Thank you for reply. I did save all my art work on JPG and I also saved a lot of the process to iPhotos, also. What I don’t want to lose the the video of the process of the art work. I deeply want to be able to take all the past work and see the video’s again. Is this possible by installing the Brushes XP and DropBox? I am such a klutz with the computer that I am afraid of losing the video of all prior work.
Comments appreciated. Thank you for reply

On Nov 2, 2014, at 11:35 AM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

I finally got Brushes XP and it does everything you wanted & expected from the original Brushes (which was great). I also got DropBox installed on my little Mini iPad. My problem before was that I NEVER saved anything as a JPG. Since I'm old but new at this (creating artwork electronically) and w/no instructions per se, I've accepted the idea that I take a snap from my phone camera of the gallery page, emailed to myself, then recreated my masterpieces on the XP version. It's all a learning experience... hope this helps you.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will ipad, Apple, send out an update to fix this problem with brushes, so we wont have yo go throught the above procedures to fix brushes?

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Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Will it save all the videos of the old images I did, not just new ones?
Thanks. Valerie Cordaro?

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:30 PM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi, yes, the newest Brushes XP allows you to save the video AND jpg version. It's like Brushes XP is complete but regular Brushes is not. It's hard to accept, I know. But once you get used to XP, you won't look back. I agree that the video re-cap is A WONDERFUL option.

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:07 PM, Artinnewmexico wrote:

Thank you for reply. I did save all my art work on JPG and I also saved a lot of the process to iPhotos, also. What I don’t want to lose the the video of the process of the art work. I deeply want to be able to take all the past work and see the video’s again. Is this possible by installing the Brushes XP and DropBox? I am such a klutz with the computer that I am afraid of losing the video of all prior work.
Comments appreciated. Thank you for reply

On Nov 2, 2014, at 11:35 AM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

I finally got Brushes XP and it does everything you wanted & expected from the original Brushes (which was great). I also got DropBox installed on my little Mini iPad. My problem before was that I NEVER saved anything as a JPG. Since I'm old but new at this (creating artwork electronically) and w/no instructions per se, I've accepted the idea that I take a snap from my phone camera of the gallery page, emailed to myself, then recreated my masterpieces on the XP version. It's all a learning experience... hope this helps you.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will ipad, Apple, send out an update to fix this problem with brushes, so we wont have yo go throught the above procedures to fix brushes?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

I cant be sure of that. In XP the program gives you the option to save as a video AND, separately, as a jpg. Two different saving options. What's passed in orig. Brushes is over, cannot be used again, far as I can tell. Message basically is, for if you saved as a video in original Brushes, they may still be available, but I'm not sure. I've only got the hang of XP. Drop box IS essential. Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 1:13 PM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will it save all the videos of the old images I did, not just new ones?
Thanks. Valerie Cordaro?

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:30 PM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi, yes, the newest Brushes XP allows you to save the video AND jpg version. It's like Brushes XP is complete but regular Brushes is not. It's hard to accept, I know. But once you get used to XP, you won't look back. I agree that the video re-cap is A WONDERFUL option.

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:07 PM, Artinnewmexico wrote:

Thank you for reply. I did save all my art work on JPG and I also saved a lot of the process to iPhotos, also. What I don’t want to lose the the video of the process of the art work. I deeply want to be able to take all the past work and see the video’s again. Is this possible by installing the Brushes XP and DropBox? I am such a klutz with the computer that I am afraid of losing the video of all prior work.
Comments appreciated. Thank you for reply

On Nov 2, 2014, at 11:35 AM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

I finally got Brushes XP and it does everything you wanted & expected from the original Brushes (which was great). I also got DropBox installed on my little Mini iPad. My problem before was that I NEVER saved anything as a JPG. Since I'm old but new at this (creating artwork electronically) and w/no instructions per se, I've accepted the idea that I take a snap from my phone camera of the gallery page, emailed to myself, then recreated my masterpieces on the XP version. It's all a learning experience... hope this helps you.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will ipad, Apple, send out an update to fix this problem with brushes, so we wont have yo go throught the above procedures to fix brushes?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Yes, thank you for your thoroughness. I just cant stand to lose all those old videos, but it looks like I better learn how to do the dropbox and get Brushes XP in order to go forward. Do you know if you can mail your videos in the same resolution to others in new program?

I never was able to save my videos to iPhoto in original brushes and never thought of it anyway.

Thanks much...

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 1:32 PM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

I cant be sure of that. In XP the program gives you the option to save as a video AND, separately, as a jpg. Two different saving options. What's passed in orig. Brushes is over, cannot be used again, far as I can tell. Message basically is, for if you saved as a video in original Brushes, they may still be available, but I'm not sure. I've only got the hang of XP. Drop box IS essential. Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 1:13 PM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will it save all the videos of the old images I did, not just new ones?
Thanks. Valerie Cordaro?

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:30 PM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi, yes, the newest Brushes XP allows you to save the video AND jpg version. It's like Brushes XP is complete but regular Brushes is not. It's hard to accept, I know. But once you get used to XP, you won't look back. I agree that the video re-cap is A WONDERFUL option.

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:07 PM, Artinnewmexico wrote:

Thank you for reply. I did save all my art work on JPG and I also saved a lot of the process to iPhotos, also. What I don’t want to lose the the video of the process of the art work. I deeply want to be able to take all the past work and see the video’s again. Is this possible by installing the Brushes XP and DropBox? I am such a klutz with the computer that I am afraid of losing the video of all prior work.
Comments appreciated. Thank you for reply

On Nov 2, 2014, at 11:35 AM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

I finally got Brushes XP and it does everything you wanted & expected from the original Brushes (which was great). I also got DropBox installed on my little Mini iPad. My problem before was that I NEVER saved anything as a JPG. Since I'm old but new at this (creating artwork electronically) and w/no instructions per se, I've accepted the idea that I take a snap from my phone camera of the gallery page, emailed to myself, then recreated my masterpieces on the XP version. It's all a learning experience... hope this helps you.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will ipad, Apple, send out an update to fix this problem with brushes, so we wont have yo go throught the above procedures to fix brushes?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Have no idea about older videos... that kind of loss must be heartbreaking.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 1:43 PM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Yes, thank you for your thoroughness. I just cant stand to lose all those old videos, but it looks like I better learn how to do the dropbox and get Brushes XP in order to go forward. Do you know if you can mail your videos in the same resolution to others in new program?

I never was able to save my videos to iPhoto in original brushes and never thought of it anyway.

Thanks much...

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 1:32 PM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

I cant be sure of that. In XP the program gives you the option to save as a video AND, separately, as a jpg. Two different saving options. What's passed in orig. Brushes is over, cannot be used again, far as I can tell. Message basically is, for if you saved as a video in original Brushes, they may still be available, but I'm not sure. I've only got the hang of XP. Drop box IS essential. Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 1:13 PM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will it save all the videos of the old images I did, not just new ones?
Thanks. Valerie Cordaro?

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:30 PM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi, yes, the newest Brushes XP allows you to save the video AND jpg version. It's like Brushes XP is complete but regular Brushes is not. It's hard to accept, I know. But once you get used to XP, you won't look back. I agree that the video re-cap is A WONDERFUL option.

On Nov 2, 2014, at 12:07 PM, Artinnewmexico wrote:

Thank you for reply. I did save all my art work on JPG and I also saved a lot of the process to iPhotos, also. What I don’t want to lose the the video of the process of the art work. I deeply want to be able to take all the past work and see the video’s again. Is this possible by installing the Brushes XP and DropBox? I am such a klutz with the computer that I am afraid of losing the video of all prior work.
Comments appreciated. Thank you for reply

On Nov 2, 2014, at 11:35 AM, BarbaraTapa notifications@github.com wrote:

I finally got Brushes XP and it does everything you wanted & expected from the original Brushes (which was great). I also got DropBox installed on my little Mini iPad. My problem before was that I NEVER saved anything as a JPG. Since I'm old but new at this (creating artwork electronically) and w/no instructions per se, I've accepted the idea that I take a snap from my phone camera of the gallery page, emailed to myself, then recreated my masterpieces on the XP version. It's all a learning experience... hope this helps you.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 2, 2014, at 10:50 AM, Artinnewmexico notifications@github.com wrote:

Will ipad, Apple, send out an update to fix this problem with brushes, so we wont have yo go throught the above procedures to fix brushes?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

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I have downloaded brushes redux and when I draw my lines are surrounded with black zig zags. How to get rid of these?

Do you find out why the jagged lines are happening? I am having the same problem.

@lotinlife, no, I didn't. It sounded like @tougher needed to get his hands on an iPad Air 2 to see what might be causing it. Is that what you're using it on?

I have a new iPad Air and am using the Redux version. It is great to have
access to it although it is annoying with the black parallel lines.
It is so disappointing that Brushes did not see this coming and we are all
at a loss.

If you find out anything, I would appreciate if you would let me know.

On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 9:57 AM, jiclark notifications@github.com wrote:

@lotinlife https://github.com/lotinlife, no, I didn't. It sounded like
@tougher https://github.com/tougher needed to get his hands on an iPad
Air 2 to see what might be causing it. Is that what you're using it on? And
which app are you using, tougher's Redux, or the other one, Brushes XP??

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#33 (comment).

I find that after I draw something with Brushes Redux and press transform, the black lines disappear.

I am so happy to hear that! Good luck!

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 4, 2014, at 3:22 PM, lotinlife notifications@github.com wrote:

I find that after I draw something with Brushes Redux and press transform, the black lines disappear.

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@lotinlife @jiclark I've created an issue on the Redux github page: tougher#2
I have one thing on my mind which may fix the issue. I hope you will do the testing for me :-)

I'm happy to do testing for you! Just let me know what you need...

@lotinlife, yes, they disappear when you're not editing the image, but as soon as you go back in to draw some more, they reappear. For me anyway...

FYI--I put Redux on my iPhone and my iPad air and so far I don't see
anything wrong. No jaggedy stuff or parallel lines. Under what
circumstance do the lines appear?

On Nov 5, 2014, at 4:05 AM, tougher wrote:

@lotinlife @jiclark I've created an issue on the Redux github page:
I have one thing on my mind which may fix the issue. I hope you will
do the testing for me :-)

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@marihilda At this point, all we know is that it happens on the iPad Air 2. Haven't tried my iPhone 6...

Yes, I am using the new iPad air 2, too.

When looking at versions of the iPad Air I don't see iPad Air 2. Mine
is model #A1474. I think I have an iPhone 5 which is 6th generation

On Nov 5, 2014, at 12:01 PM, jiclark wrote:

@marihilda At this point, all we know is that it happens on the iPad
Air 2. Haven't tried my iPhone 6...

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iPad Air 2 was recently released.

Sent from my iPad

On Nov 5, 2014, at 9:30 AM, marihilda notifications@github.com wrote:

When looking at versions of the iPad Air I don't see iPad Air 2. Mine
is model #A1474. I think I have an iPhone 5 which is 6th generation

On Nov 5, 2014, at 12:01 PM, jiclark wrote:

@marihilda At this point, all we know is that it happens on the iPad
Air 2. Haven't tried my iPhone 6...

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Okay, so I checked, and I'm seeing the same anomaly on iPhone 6. Something in the hardware of the newest devices...

Does Brushes XP have this problem with the newer devices?

On Nov 5, 2014, at 1:52 PM, jiclark wrote:

Okay, so I checked, and I'm seeing the same anomaly on iPhone 6.
Something in the hardware of the newest devices...

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Brushes XP seems to work best. I have NOT FOUND any problems with XP version. But I do not iPad Air only iPAD Mini

On Nov 5, 2014, at 12:04 PM, marihilda wrote:

Does Brushes XP have this problem with the newer devices?

On Nov 5, 2014, at 1:52 PM, jiclark wrote:

Okay, so I checked, and I'm seeing the same anomaly on iPhone 6.
Something in the hardware of the newest devices...

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Maybe someone should try XP on the newer iPad and newer iPhone.

On Nov 5, 2014, at 2:10 PM, BarbaraTapa wrote:

Brushes XP seems to work best. I have NOT FOUND any problems with XP
version. But I do not iPad Air only iPAD Mini

On Nov 5, 2014, at 12:04 PM, marihilda wrote:

Does Brushes XP have this problem with the newer devices?

On Nov 5, 2014, at 1:52 PM, jiclark wrote:

Okay, so I checked, and I'm seeing the same anomaly on iPhone 6.
Something in the hardware of the newest devices...

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