- 0
Authentication API
#266 opened by mustafaAshfaq - 1
Shipping checkout docs missing
#262 opened by lukeholder - 4
Spree Class Diagram
#249 opened by krigar - 1
HTTPS not working on
#258 opened by henwen - 0
Server down
#257 opened by tomaswitek - 1
- 3
- 0
XCode 5.1
#251 opened by MissCatLady - 6
- 2
Re-order Spree Core Topics
#241 opened by tracymu - 1
- 2
Missing guide for upgrading to Spree 2.2
#234 opened by gaaady - 0
Image Settings is no longer applicable
#230 opened by pointlessone - 1
Remove deprecated `spree_active_shipping` config
#226 opened by brchristian - 0
Document the use of PATH for promotions in user doc
#224 opened by utx0 - 1
Discussing new erb[loud] syntax
#182 opened by brchristian - 1
Permitted Attribute in Extension tutorial
#219 opened by kennyadsl - 0
Nother test
#210 opened by schof - 1
- 1
Orders - OrderPopulator missing documentation
#201 opened by dustineichler - 0
Document Orders#apply_coupon_code
#203 opened by radar - 2
- 1
Shipment States description is missing
#200 opened by dustineichler - 2
remove localeapp reference
#199 opened by alepore - 2
Document that shipping method calculators must inherit from Spree::ShippingCalculator, not simply Spree::Calculator
#156 opened by Grantismo - 0
Custom calculator documentation is wrong
#192 opened by charredUtensil - 2
Update spree_active_shipping part
#171 opened by mrpollo - 0
Add documentation for /api/properties endpoint
#191 opened by radar - 1
Broken Links in User Guide.
#187 opened by mahiyar - 2
- 7
- 2
- 1
Advanced Topics section 404
#172 opened by Senjai - 1
- 3
uninitialized constant Spree::MyApp
#157 opened by christoph-buente - 0
Finish terminology page on integration guides
#159 opened by schof - 0
Add overview for Spree Commerce hub
#158 opened by schof - 0
Change name of "Integrator" in splash graphic
#153 opened by schof - 0
Add "Behind the Best Storefronts" to the logo
#154 opened by schof - 0
Deface guide params not up to date
#151 opened by danabrit - 1
- 1
Links not generated
#146 opened by alexcp - 2
- 1
- 2
Incorrect URLs for Shipments API
#131 opened by onedanshow - 0
Document how to add a new custom payment method
#130 opened by radar - 5
Markup/Markdown Consistency
#117 opened by danabrit - 0
broken link
#122 opened by jhirbour - 3
checkout-customization doc issues (2)
#125 opened by aamax - 3
Spelling mistake ?
#123 opened by brookzhang