
Can't clone the project?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey guys! I am a newbie in Spring and I am looking for experience in using this framework. When I tried cloning this project however, I get this error from GitBash: Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. Can someone help me out please?

I don't really know how to help here, the error message doesn't give enough information.
Did you try with the wiki instructions?

What are you using for clone : https or ssh? Try to use HTTPS instead SSH while taking clone from GIT

I don't really know how to help here, the error message doesn't give enough information.
Did you try with the wiki instructions?

Hey, I did read the instructions. As a matter of fact, that is how I ended up with the error. I simply forked the project and I was able to clone that instead.