
IAM Database authentication for RDS

Opened this issue · 4 comments


are there any plans for implementing support for IAM authentication for RDS?


Almost one year and no response! Doesn't look like there are many people asking for it. This will certainly be a good feature as part of AWS support from Spring. Hopefully, somebody will shed some light on the plans for this.

@gauz09 yeah, I think very few people know about this feature. Even AWS launched Secret Manager where they promote that it can automatically rotate RDS passwords! Well, with IAM authentication you do not need to rotate passwords as the token expires every 15 minute ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This would be great!
Trying to connect to an Aurora Postgres instance from a Spring Boot app. Was a little bummed to see no Spring way of doing that with IAM. Haven't written custom connection logic in some time O.o

+1 !
Would be great to see such feature in spring-cloud-aws !