Protocol message contained an invalid tag
betht1220 opened this issue · 3 comments
I've been struggling with this example trying to make it work.
I am running Hadoop Version: 2.0.5-alpha-gphd- with namenode at port 8020
I've run the application as described in the README file
mvn clean package -Pphd20
sh ./target/appassembler/bin/wordcount
I got the error
Caused by: Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero).
Here's the gist containing the stacktrace
Can you please help me out with this
Try using the phd1 profile by specifying -Pphd1. The 2.0.5-alpha-gphd- version corresponds to Pivotal HD 1.1, so that's why the phd1 profile is the one to use. You could use the phd20 profile with the latest Pivotal HD 2.0 singlenode VM which has a version of 2.2.0-gphd- The Pivotal HD versioning is a bit confusing.
Thank you Thomas, it works now. And yes, I though my VM is running PHD2.0 since on PCC, it
has hadoop 2.0.5-alpha-gphd- - This is referring to the hadoop client version, correct?
The server and client versions are the same, 2.0.5-alpha-gphd- is Pivotal HD 1.1 even though it's hard to guess that from the version.