
Feels like a Section is missing in setup for react components and frontend dependencies.

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Up until the react part the guide when very smoothly and I didn't even need to reference the end result code in the github but right at the "Defining an HTML template" section it seems to be missing things like setup of the frontend-maven-plugin or webpack, but its also implied that you wont need to worry about that and it will just work. It was a bit of a blocker for myself as I was going through until I looked up the github code and saw that I needed the exicutables in the pom, the extra component, employee, in the app.js file and the package.json/webpack.conf.js files. Which would be fine if it wasn't implied that we wouldn't need to worry about that.

Thank you for the great tutorial by the way. I really feel like I'll be able to use this in both my personal and professional projects.

I also feel like a section about webpack and the js files in the api folder are missing. Hope the owner could add this content. BTW, this is the best tutorial I've ever seen.