Add an example with WEBTESTCLIENT & RouterFunction
AndersClausen opened this issue · 1 comments
Would it be possible to add an example of how to set up spring-cloud-contracts for it to work with a RouterFunction in a WebFlux style (please see code below)? I'm particular interested in seeing how the BaseTest class looks like - by that I mean, how is RestAssuredWebTestClient set up, what annotations are used and how much mocking of objects are required.
public class LocationRouter {
private ReactiveErrorHandler error = new ReactiveErrorHandler();
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route(LocationHandler handler) {
return RouterFunctions.route(GET("/locations"), handler::getLocations)
.andRoute(GET("/locations/{geoId}"), handler::getLocationsByGeoId)
The problem at hand
I cannot get past this error message
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext
I have tried a set up like this in my BaseTest class:
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.MOCK)
public abstract class LocationBaseTest {
WebApplicationContext webAppContext;
ApplicationContext appContext;
public void setup() {
// RestAssuredWebTestClient.applicationContextSetup(appContext);
// RestAssuredWebTestClient.webAppContextSetup(webAppContext);
RestAssuredWebTestClient.standaloneSetup(new LocationRouter());
The commented out lines in the code above are the other options I've tried.
I've also tried to use
@MockBean LocationHandler handler
but that didn't get me anywhere.
Router function configuration
public class ProducerConfiguration {
private final PersonCheckingService personCheckingService;
public ProducerConfiguration(PersonCheckingService personCheckingService) {
this.personCheckingService = personCheckingService;
// remove::start[]
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route() {
return RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.POST("/check")
request -> this.check(request));
private Mono<ServerResponse> check(ServerRequest request) {
return request.bodyToMono(PersonToCheck.class)
.flatMap(person -> {
if (this.personCheckingService.shouldGetBeer(person)) {
return Mono.just(new Response(BeerCheckStatus.OK));
return Mono.just(new Response(BeerCheckStatus.NOT_OK));
.flatMap(res -> ServerResponse.ok().bodyValue(res));
// remove::end[]
interface PersonCheckingService {
Boolean shouldGetBeer(PersonToCheck personToCheck);
class PersonToCheck {
public int age;
public PersonToCheck(int age) {
this.age = age;
public PersonToCheck() {
class Response {
public BeerCheckStatus status;
Response(BeerCheckStatus status) {
this.status = status;
enum BeerCheckStatus {
Base class setup
package com.example;
import io.restassured.module.webtestclient.RestAssuredWebTestClient;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.springframework.test.web.reactive.server.WebTestClient;
public abstract class BeerRestBase {
public void setup() {
new ProducerConfiguration(personToCheck -> personToCheck.age >= 20).route()).build());
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