Workshop is not consistent
paul-ovchinnikov opened this issue · 5 comments
paul-ovchinnikov commented
I spent 2 days to go through the simplest examples. The reason for this is that the description and code examples do not match. The workshop samples code also does not match the documentation. I will not give specific examples, there are many of them. Just try out a few lessons yourself.
paul-ovchinnikov commented
producer_with_restdoc sample, .pom file assembly plugin adding.
documentation sample:
missing <descriptors>
There are a lot of such stupid mistakes in workshop
paul-ovchinnikov commented
Spring Cloud Contract with Rest Docs Workshop:
- Writing Your First Rest Docs Test - fails due to AssertJ incompatible version
- Generating Tests from Contracts - does not generate anything under /target/generated-test-sources
- Reading HTTP Stubs from the Classpath with Spring Cloud Contract WireMock - ApplicationContext failed
So this chapter of workshop is fully unuseful
marcingrzejszczak commented
Thanks for the info
marcingrzejszczak commented
Are you willing to file a PR to help?
marcingrzejszczak commented
We're no longer supporting the workshops.