Response body null when Request contains body (For 401 responses)
PedroAmLemos opened this issue · 2 comments
PedroAmLemos commented
Describe the bug
Using <spring-cloud.version>2023.0.3</spring-cloud.version>
When I make a OpenFeign client that does not have a body, the 401 response contains a not null body but if I add a body parameter the returned Response.Body comes empty.
@FeignClient(name = "example", url = "http://localhost:8080")
public interface Example {
@PostMapping(value = "/post", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
ResponseEntity<String> exec(
@RequestHeader("X-A") String a,
@RequestBody String jsonBody
this produces
feign.FeignException$Unauthorized: [401] during [POST] to [http://localhost:8080/post] [example#exec(String,String)]: []
but after removing the jasonBody attribute, I get:
feign.FeignException$Unauthorized: [401] during [POST] to [http://localhost:8080/post] [example#exec(String)]: [RETURNED BODY]
This is the controller I used to test it:
@PostMapping(path = "/post", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
ResponseEntity<String> post(@RequestHeader("X-A") String A,String body) {
System.out.println("request received, header " + A + " body: " + body);
return new ResponseEntity<>("RETURNED BODY", HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
pxpy commented
It seems like the controller problem. The parameter of jsonBody don't have @RequestBody annatation.
PedroAmLemos commented
@pxpy You are right! I guess the service I'm making a request to, has the same fault on their controllers. Thanks!