Performance discussion about default openfeign client config
raizoor opened this issue · 2 comments
Discussion about default client performance of spring-cloud-openfeign
Java 17
Springboot 2.7.18
spring-cloud-dependencies 2021.0.8
During a performance tests in a microservice that contain a 3 feign clients, it was possible to saw a high GC usage (i.e. high cpu utilization as well) in two methods, as we can see at profiler image bellow
We have a high tps scenario here - 110tps. The situation was absolutely unstable and we has too much resources to handle with that.
After studying the issue I decided to use lib {io.github.openfeign:feign-httpclient:11.8} and do a new evaluation. To my surprise, we had a significant improvement in resource usage, as feign started using other classes and no longer generated as many objects, as shown bellow
So, my question: Is this the expected behavior of the default implementation or is there something I did incorrectly, because we've a big difference here.
I don't have a high customization clients, only a custom decoder and base64 auth, as bellow
@FeignClient(value = "...", url = "...",
configuration = ClientConfig.class)
public interface .. {
SpecificObject post(
@RequestHeader("..") Boolean ..,
@RequestBody SpecificObject ..
Hello @raizoor, the implementation that seems to be causing the issue is (Client.Default
) is part of the OpenFeign/feign project and not Spring Cloud OpenFeign. Please create an issue there to start a discussion.
Thks @OlgaMaciaszek .
--> OpenFeign/feign#2267