CVE-2018-1000654 vulnerability with openjdk:alpine image
balasenthil-d opened this issue · 1 comments
balasenthil-d commented
When we scan the docker images produced with openjdk8:alpine and openjdk:appine3.8 with microscanner there is one high vulnerablity CVE-2018-1000654. Apparently there is still no fix for that? Is there a way to avoid the problematic library libtasn1 while building the image ?
dsyer commented
I can see that CVE alert from openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
). I don't really want to get into the nitty gritty of which base image to use in such a tiny "getting started" guide though. The best advice I could give would be not to use docker at all, and out source the base image decision to a build tool.