
import org.springframework.samples.petclinic.rest.dto does not exist. Controller interfaces do not exist.

mangelo123 opened this issue ยท 7 comments

I just downloaded the master branch. Build fails because the dto package does not exist. The controller interfaces also do not exist.

I Just discovered that they are all built dynamically by Maven. How can I add those to the sources in IntelliJ so that I don't see all of the compile errors?

arey commented

Hi @mangelo123
DTOs are generated by MapStruct. Could you follow this instruction https://mapstruct.org/documentation/ide-support/ and please give us a feedback? Thus we could improve the readme.md or add some configuration in the pom.xml. Thanks

Hi @mangelo123
Normally, after building the project, all the generated sources located in the target/generated-sources folder should appear as a source folder in your IDE.

hi,getting below error
java: package org.springframework.samples.petclinic.rest.dto does not exist
can you be more specific and elaborate a little more on what to do to get rid of this?

This package and all the java classes source code belonging to it are generated during the build time.

You have to run this command first:

mvn clean install

The generated source files will be then located in the target folder.

arey commented

It is the second issue about MapStruct (see #65). Maybe we should add some explanations to the readme?

@arey Yes. I will do that :)