
Is this project dead?

DuchGhast opened this issue · 6 comments

Is this project dead?

its been a few weeks since the last commit - what suggests its dead?

Hi, I hope spring-fu will get back the initial motivation it had when it officially became a part of "spring-project-experimental" projects.

It seems like it is in stand-by mode for some months, without any major new features. Looks like big focus is on Graal support for now.

Here are 2 blog articles about spring-fu, and its roadmap :

Last one ended like this :

In term of roadmap, the next 0.4.0 milestone will focus on:

  • Replacing the autoconfigure-adapter module by leveraging spring-init, an experimental project created by Dave Syer and Andy Clement which automatically converts Spring Boot auto-configurations to functional bean registration.
  • GraalVM native support without reflection configuration (depends on oracle/graal#2500)
  • Refined DSL extensibility
  • Scale-to-zero application sample with JaFu, GraalVM native and Knative
  • Leverage Spring Framework 5.3 M1 to remove by default XML and SpEL support
  • Spring Security support via Spring Security 5.3 official Kotlin DSL

As usual, feedback is welcome. Be aware that we have for now mainly a focus on getting the right software design and APIs rather than an extensive coverage of more features.

I hope these goals are in active progress, starting with 'Replacing the autoconfigure-adapter module by leveraging spring-init' that would bring full spring-boot support without the need of writing some code for autoconfigure-adapter anymore !

Hi, sorry for not sharing feedback, I was deep in Spring Native beta release and indeed Spring Native takes a lot of my bandwidth these days.

Those 2 topics are not unrelated since Spring Native beta has introduced Spring AOT which should in 0.11 allow to convert automatically @Configuration to functional configuration, see spring-attic/spring-native#386 related issue. This will allow us to replace autoconfigure-adapter module by something more maitainable.

I am going to release a 0.4.4 with current changes on master tomorrow.

Thanks a lot for this feedback @sdeleuze

If spring-fu will soon depend on Spring AOT (which should in 0.11 allow to convert automatically @configuration to functional configuration), instead of autoconfigure-adapter, does this meen that spring-fu will then require and force to use GraalVM and Spring Native ?

No Spring AOT will evolve to not be tied to Spring Native, and will be moved in another repository later.

Nice, thanks again @sdeleuze