Spring Native is now superseded by Spring Boot 3 official native support
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How to add pagehelper-spring-boot-starter?
#1751 opened by wghdir - 2
NoClassDefFoundError DispatcherServlet
#1750 opened by onexuan - 1
Aot build failure with commons-beanutils dependency
#1749 opened by kartik-kaushik - 8
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ApplicationServletEnvironment class not found in spring-aot-0.12.1 AotApplicationContextFactory
#1745 opened by oeresundsgruppen - 1
org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationPropertiesBeanRegistrationWriterSupplier not found in boot 3.0.1, but referenced from aot 0.12.1
#1746 opened by oeresundsgruppen - 0
Fix Spring Boot 2.7.6+ compatiblity
#1740 opened by fbus - 5
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Native Image with Spring Boot 3.0.1 throwing Missing character set id 560 is not loaded at image build time Error
#1743 opened by syedyusufh - 2
Cannot instantiate class: com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory error with spring-native
#1744 opened by Priyap1997 - 5
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Mongo Change Streams Doesn't Work with v0.12.x
#1706 opened by SentryMan - 1
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Mybatis - org.springframework.boot.context.properties.bind.MissingParametersCompilerArgumentException
#1738 opened by AllKai - 1
Through -- spring. config Location=xxx The specified configuration file cannot take effect
#1736 opened by llongtao - 1
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Builder class `com.demo.Test$Builder` does not have build method (name: 'build')
#1735 opened by dilipdhankecha2530 - 1
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NativeImageGeneratorRunner must not contain "."
#1732 opened by cforce - 1
Getting: 'Entity has no identifier' when Entity inherits AbstractAuditable<U, PK>
#1733 opened by sic-sic - 1
ConfigurationPropertiesBindException is thrown when properties class uses @ConstructorBinding in multi-module gradle spring boot project
#1731 opened by michalkrajcovic - 10
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.aot.build.GenerateBootstrapCommand
#1711 opened by nayouzhenai - 1
Issue with Spring Cloud Function
#1730 opened by paologazzola - 5
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Getting "The EntityGraph-Feature requires at least a JPA 2.1 persistence provider" error with Spring Boot 3.0.0-RC1
#1728 opened by gtiwari333 - 2
Getting "Fatal error: java.lang.TypeNotPresentException: Type kotlinx.serialization.StringFormat not present"
#1729 opened by gtiwari333 - 1
springci/spring-native:java11-0.12.x docker image doesn't run on new Mac M1
#1727 opened by bittsi-app - 1
not supported with xml bean definitions
#1725 opened by 929541303 - 1
upgrade "cloud-function-* examples to spring boot 3.x deps and embedded native compilation support
#1726 opened by cforce - 1
Add Java 19 Support in AOT plugin
#1723 opened by SentryMan - 2
UnsupportedMediaTypeException: Content type 'application/json' not supported for bodyType
#1721 opened by fragaLY - 1
Spring-Boot Actuator 2.7.1 loggers endpoint is not working with Spring Native 0.12.1
#1715 opened by jdbcplusnet - 1
UnsupportedFeatureError: Proxy class defined by interfaces[xxxx] not found. Generating proxy classes at runtime is not supported. Proxy classes need to be defined at image build time by specifying the list of interfaces that they implement.
#1713 opened by toohandsome - 1
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Request to add native support for Feign Reactive
#1718 opened by wenqiglantz - 1
Getting exception - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported api 17432576 while executing mvn spring-aot:generate
#1719 opened by gayatrigithub-java - 1
spring-native version support consulting
#1717 opened by mchgood - 2
Problem when using aspect with annotation pointcut
#1712 opened by agrancaric - 1
Compilation fails with @EnableCaching annotation
#1714 opened by agrancaric - 0
Missing reflection for ReactiveMongoTemplate
#1701 opened by Kotlin-GDE - 0
mvn -Pnative -DskipTests package : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.aot.build.GenerateBootstrapCommand
#1710 opened by nayouzhenai - 3
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Error : org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'projectingArgumentResolverBeanPostProcessor': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.UnsupportedFeatureError: Proxy class defined by interfaces [interface org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanPostProcessor
#1705 opened by tushar256 - 1
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Signer information SecurityException when building executable with native-image command
#1699 opened by moarychan - 4
(DynamicProxyConfigurationFiles) Proxy classes need to be defined at image build time by specifying the list of interfaces that they implement
#1700 opened by brianmolinaspring - 1